RNA – Addressing people from different walks of life on Wednesday, the Leader said, “We agreed to hold talks with Americans only on the nuclear issue and for particular reasons, and thank God, our negotiators did a good job.”
Ayatollah Khamenei stated that in other areas, “I have not authorized negotiations and [we] will not hold talks with them.”
The Leader noted that the United States does not conceal its animosity toward Iran, adding, “One [US official] smiles, while another draws up a bill against Iran.”
Ayatollah Khamenei emphasized that the US officials seek to hold negotiations with Iran because they see negotiations as a means of influencing the Islamic Republic and imposing their demands on Iran.
Referring to comments by the Tel Aviv regime after the conclusion of the Iran-P5+1 nuclear talks that Israel will have no more concerns about Iran for the coming 25 years as a result of the nuclear agreement, the Leader said, “First of all you will not [survive long enough to] see the next 25 years, and God willing, no such thing as ‘the Zionist regime’ will exist in the next 25 years.”
“Secondly, during this period, the combatant, and epic, and jihadi spirit will never leave Zionists alone for a single moment.”
Noting that the late Imam Khomeini has described the United States as “the Great Satan,” the Leader said, “Some people insist on disguising this Great Satan as the savior angel. [However,] the Iranian nation expelled this Satan [from the country]; we must not allow that after we expelled it through the door, it could return and gain influence [again] through the window.”
Emphasizing the importance of having strong and resistant economy, advanced science, and a revolutionary spirit as three factors that strengthen the Iranian nation in the face of enemies, Ayatollah Khamenei added that state officials should respect revolutionary youths, while advising “certain” speakers and writers not to verbally attack faithful and revolutionary youths by labeling them as extremist.
Referring to the importance of elections in Iran, the Leader took to task “certain people” who raise doubt about wholesomeness of elections, stressing that the Guardian Council is the “watching eye” of the Iranian nation and government in any elections.
Courtesy of PressTV.ir