RNA – Hujjat al-Islam Sayyid Ibrahim-Amin al-Sayyid, the chairman of the Political Council of Hezbollah, said in a speech that if the Islamic Resistance [Hezbollah] left the Takfiri groups to themselves, there would be great insecurity in the region.
“We have two ways of to deal with the Takfiri terrorists – fight to the point of death with the Takfiri extremists or become part of ISIL,” he warned.
His Eminence noted the critical situation in Iraq and Syria and said that the United States of America along with several European countries, and with the complicity of reactionary countries in the Middle East and also the cooperation of some Lebanese politicians with Takfiri groups, are the main cause of all the bloodshed in the region including Iraq and Syria.
The Lebanese cleric said that from the beginning of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the Wahhabi thought which it is based on, has collaborated with the West in an effort to foster the corrupt ideas of Wahhabism and institutionalize the Takfiri phenomenon in opposition to the genuine discourse of the Islamic Revolution in Iran in order to damage it.
Hujjat al-Islam al-Sayyid explained the huge investments that Saudi Arabia has made to damage Iran’s Islamic Revolution through various means. He added that the Saudis are making huge profits from oil. Also, the Saudi regime’s friends and enemies in the region are determining and making political decisions in regard to the direction of their government.
The senior member of Hezbollah stated that with their massive petrodollars, Saudi funds and runs Takfiri terrorist groups in Iraq and Syria. “Saudi Arabia has become a means that the US and Israel can easily exploit to execute their colonial programs in the region,” he said.