He made the remarks in a question and answer session with Elmo-Sana't University students.
Larijani said that some think green light blink to US in the current situation, but, they are making mistake, because Iran stratrgy of the two US presidential candidates is the same.
He emphasized the need for consultations of senior officials with the elites to leave behind the current situation.
"The US encouraged Saddam to invade Iran after victory of the Islamic Revolution and shortly after Iran-Iraq war was over it focused on a decade long campaign against the Iranian nation over Iran's nuclear program to stop progress of science and technology in Iran," Larijani said.
Larijani said that the Supreme Leader has made it clear that the Western governments' problem with Iran is not excluded to the nuclear issue, they are pursuing their own agenda under the excuse of false reports and misinformation about Iran.
He said that Iran must stick to its declared strategy because Washington aims to create an international policing system to impose its own will on Iran.