RNA – In an exclusive interview with Rasa News Agency, Mark Glenn, an American author, analyst and the co-founder of the “Crescent and Cross Solidarity” movement, expressed regret over the Zionist settlement expansion in the West Bank despite opposition from international institutions and organizations, including the United Nations saying Jews "answer to no one, and this is due to several reasons. The first is that they are immensely wealthy, and along with this wealth comes power and influence."
"The political systems in the various countries of the West where their wealth and power resides is oiled with the grease of their corruption, as evidenced by the fact that the most notorious spy ever caught and convicted by the Americans, Jonathon Pollard, whose treason resulted in more damage to America’s national security that any other person or group--is about to be released from prison," he said.
Jonathon Pollard will be released from 30 years in an American prison in November 2015.
Glenn also added that Pollard’s treasonous espionage has not only endangered the US and killed more than a thousand American intelligence operatives, "but as well he possesses knowledge that Israel can (and will) utilize to her benefit once he is out of jail and free to speak."
The American analyst stressed that it is of vital necessity that people understand "the fanatical religious currents running through the entire Zionist paradigm that govern these actions," adding that "the Jews in accordance with their religious teachings, believe that the entirety of the land lying between the Nile and Euphrates rivers belongs to them via the decree of God."
"That being the case, Zionists believe that to recognize any decree from the UN to the US that runs counter to what they consider to be their divine mission to be nothing short of blasphemy and this is the reason they put no value in anything that any world body says," he said.
The Full text of the interview is as follows:
Rasa News: What has been the reaction of the US official to the news of the 18-month-old Palestinian baby boy who was killed in a recent arson attack on his home by Israeli settlers?
Glenn: Predictably, there has been some response on the part of the US government, but I would say the response was by itself unremarkable and certainly not the kind of response the world would see where it any country other than Israel where this had taken place. Every time Israel engages in the kind of barbaric behavior which by her very nature she is inclined to do, the United States--as well as all those other countries of the West responsible for breathing life into this political nightmare known as the Jewish state--offer up empty, meaningless noises of protest but with no substantive follow-up action.
Sadly however, the United States is a country where the people assign meaning and depth to words where there are none. Our entire political system is proof of this. For decades the entire system exists as a rotted out corpse where nothing of any substantive good comes to the people who are supposed to be the beneficiaries of that system, and yet, with every election cycle, Candidate ‘A’ from one of the 2 major parties makes speeches containing promises he has no intention of fulfilling, and the people devour it like hogs devouring their own filth, and then after the elections and nothing changes, the people whose lives are made barren by the political system which they themselves just helped create by electing Candidate ‘A’ (or whoever) grumble and complain, only to repeat the entire process during the next election cycle.
So, as pertains this recent ungodly act of human sacrifice that took place on the part of Jewish terrorists against this Palestinian boy, nothing will change, despite whatever words may come out of the mouth of the crime lords located in Washington DC. America sends on average $30 million dollars a day to Israel, and in the time that has elapsed between this little boy’s death and now, close to $200 million dollars has flowed into Israel’s coffers, care of the US, proving that words mean nothing.
Rasa News: Considering the fact that the media coverage of the incident was not as it was supposed to be, has the story reached to the American people yet? If yes, what was the reaction of ordinary people and why?
Glenn: As much as I could give an accurate description of what news and information is like in America, a person from outside the country truly would need to experience it for himself/herself to understand the depth of the problem. When we see pictures of people who live in areas such as Africa that have been hit with a famine and suffer from extreme malnutrition the physical effects or obvious--emaciated bodies, skin and bones, bloated stomachs, sunken facial features...This is precisely the situation that exists with Americans, except that the malnutrition is informational and intellectual and has resulted in what I feel are almost permanent mental defects. Americans simply cannot process and digest information in such a way as to feed their minds and assist them in thinking rationally anymore. Decades of informational deficiencies, paired with an overabundance of violence, pornography and moral relativism that have been offered up as intellectual food has produced a nation of people who are like those in Africa who are literally starving to death.
This is precisely what organized Zionist interests planned nearly a century ago when they grabbed all outlets of media and information. Their plan was to create a nation of people who were intellectually and informationally emaciated so that they would not question what their elected officials were doing viz a viz foreign policy and America’s involvement in the business of the Jewish state.
That being said, there is virtually NO discussion of this latest atrocity by mainstream Americans. The only ones discussing it are those who already maintain a keen interest in the events of the region, and whether it is on the television programs or from the church pulpits, the informational famine continues, replaced only with talks of sports, sex, Hollywood celebrities and other matters of trivial value that in the end mean nothing.
Rasa News: While UN condemns building new Jewish settlements in West Bank calling it a criminal action, why do you think Israelis still keep building new illegal settlements?
Glenn: Sadly, the Jews, both in Israel and abroad--are in large part of law unto to themselves. They answer to no one, and this is due to several reasons. The first is that they are immensely wealthy, and along with this wealth comes power and influence. The political systems in the various countries of the West where their wealth and power resides is oiled with the grease of their corruption, as evidenced by the fact that the most notorious spy ever caught and convicted by the Americans, Jonathon Pollard, whose treason resulted in more damage to America’s national security that any other person or group--is about to be released from prison, and all of this due to the incalculably immense influence that the Jews in America possess. Not only did his treason endanger America and lead to the deaths of as many as 1,000 intelligence operatives, but as well he possesses knowledge that Israel can (and WILL) utilize to her benefit once he is out of jail and free to speak.
That being said, given the fact that the UN or any other body that has condemned the building of new settlements in the West Bank means NOTHING to organized Jewish groups who have the money and influence to cause the US President--inarguably the most powerful man in the world--dance like a marionette. Furthermore, it is of vital necessity that people understand the fanatical religious currents running through the entire Zionist paradigm that govern these actions. The Jews--in accordance with their religious teachings, believe that the entirety of the land lying between the Nile and Euphrates rivers belongs to them via the decree of God. They also believe that this god enjoined them to exert whatever violence was necessary in stealing that land for themselves in erecting a Judaic empire from which Jewish power would rule world affairs.
That being the case, Zionists believe that to recognize any decree from the UN to the US that runs counter to what they consider to be their divine mission to be nothing short of blasphemy and this is the reason they put no value in anything that any world body says.
Rasa News: Where is this situation heading? Escalating tensions, new orders for expanding Jewish settlements and the international community’s silence in all this.
Glenn: At the risk of appearing to engage in sensationalism and over-imagination, nevertheless from my viewpoint all of this is headed towards an apocalyptic situation the likes of which have never before been seen in human history.
The situation is thus--a small, yet highly-organized/highly-influential group of fanatics possessing a doomsday mentality and doomsday weapons have taken control of the major power centers of the world and are now holding all of humanity hostage. Driven by a fanatical ideology that leaves no room for debate or difference of opinion, they are threatening to incinerate the entire world if their demands are not met, such as they periodically do in places such as Gaza. This cult has managed to chew its way into the very corridors of the White House, the US Congress, Wall Street, and as well the counterparts to all these institutions that exist in world capitals such as London, Paris, Frankfurt, Rome, etc.
There isn’t a President, Prime Minister, Pope, Prince or potentate of any measurable influence who does not quiver in absolute terror before these people and who is not willing to execute the most diabolical evil against even their own people if ordered to do so. Iraq, Gaza, Libya, Syria--all of these places, reduced to utter ruin and unimaginable human suffering--are but a microcosm of what this cult has planned for the rest of humanity.
Indeed, it is the season of evil represented by a system described in the Christian bible as that of anti-Christ and in the Islamic Qur’an as Dajjal.
At the same time however, as seemingly bleak and hopeless as all of this appears, I also know that all is not lost. There is resistance to this evil, most notably in countries such as Iran and a growing number of others around the world, and I believe that as long as there is even a microbe of this resistance someplace on GOd’s green earth that God remains with His children and will give them the assistance they require in doing battle against this evil system, and it is for this reason that we as part of this team of fire-fighters do what we can in fighting the flames of this apocalyptic inferno, one bucket of water at a time, until finally, with the help of God, the flames will be gone, only to be replaced with peace and prosperity.