RNA - In a statement issued on Friday, Hezbollah considered that the takfiri terrorists involved in these crimes are displaying their brutality, committing the most atrocious massacres throughout history and implementing deliberately the goals of the Ummah's enemies.
The party called on the Kuwaitis to stick to patience and solidarity and to prevent the terrorists from achieving their despicable goals, stressing the importance of the efforts exerted to sustain the national unity.
Hezbollah also called on all the governmental and popular bodies to unite and cooperate in face of the terrorist groups, to take the precautionary measures to prevent the repetition of this evil act and to hold accountable the perpetrators, instigators and supporters to the crime.
Hezbollah finally offered the deepest condolences to the families of the martyrs, wishing for the wounded a speedy recovery.
On Tunisia bombing, Hezbollah also issued a statement in which he deplored the terrorist crime and considered that it comes in the context of the takfiri track which targets everyone and serves the Zionist interests in the region and all the countries which support the militant groups.
The party offered deep condolences to the Tunisian government and people as well as the families of the victims.