Rasa – The Speaker for Masjid Qods in talking about the efforts by the foregin minister of America in creating a peace deal between the PA and Occupying forces said it is Haram to exchange land with them.

Rasa News Agency Reports – Sheikh Akramah Sabri, speaker for Masjid Qods, in showing his reaction to the effort of John Kerry the foreign minister of America to create a peace deal between the PA and Zionist regime announced that exchange of land with the Occupying forces is Haram.
He added: “To exchange land in a way is turning a blind eye towards the rights of the Palestinians.”
Sheikh Sabri in his Friday sermon in Masjid Qods expressed: “Palestine is the land of Meraj and the land of doomsday and cannot be sold, exchange or bargain with anyone.”
He said: “The land of Palestine is for Islam and is a blessed land and no Muslim has a right to give up this land or swap it for another.”
The Friday speaker pointed out towards that all the plans and paths for solutions that led through exchanging land has met a dead end because Palestine is a blessed land and there is no space for negligence.
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