RNA - "The Saudi intelligence agency will provide financial and arms backup for ill-famed Sheikh Mahmud al-Sarkhi to pave the way for killing Iraq's top religious figures," Alwaei news reported.
"Saudi Arabia has tried to assassinate several religious authorities in Iraq, including Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani and Sheikh Bashir al-Najafi, but it has failed so far," it said.
In April 2012, al-Sarkhi's followers were involved in clashes with supporters of Ayatollah Sistani.
On July 3, 2014 Iraqi police and armed forces attempted to arrest al-Sharkhi in Karbala, leading to clashes between his supporters and government forces that killed 45 people.
Meantime, analysts believe that Saudi Arabia is implementing Israeli and US' orders.
"The Al Saud regime is executing the western plots in the Middle East," Egyptian Politician Jamal Abu Aliyev told FNA.
He noted that the western and US mercenaries in the region are betraying the Arab states for the sake of Israel, and said, "Today we see that the global arrogance is supporting Saudi Arabia because the West's ambition for oil to help its weapon-manufacturing factories to continue their operation has instigated Saudi Arabia to attack Yemen."