Friday preacher of Najaf:
Rasa – Friday preacher of Najaf by mentioning to the exhumation of Hojr ben odai was a burglar alarm for attacking to the holy shrine of lady Zainab emphasized : “Will not be silent in the face of assaulting the holy shrines of the family of holy prophet of Islam and we will defend our sanctities.”

Rasa News Agency – Hojjatul islam Sayed Sadredin qubbanchi Friday preacher ofNajaf inthisweek'sFriday Prayers sermon which was held at Fatemiya kubra husainiya mentioned that the war is Syria is not political and said: “The war inSyriaistotallysectarian and has nothing to do with politic.”
He noted “We asktheworld communityto get involved and act against the encroachmentofreligious sanctities. The responsibilities of these attacks are on the super powers.”
Hojjatul islam Qubbanchi stronglydenounced the exhumation of the companion ofthe Prophet and asserted: “If we look at the war in Syria as political war than how do we have to interpret the exhumation of Hojr ben odai”
Friday preacher ofNajaf emphasized: “the super power are accusing Iraq, Iran and Hezbollah with sending army forces to the Syria and this is while thousands oftroops without visa and with the aim of overthrowing the regime of Bashar Assad are entering to Syria and we cannot see any reaction from these countries”
Sayed Qubbanchi mentioned the destruction of Hujr ibn Oday grave is the warning for us that they are after to destroy the divine grave of Lady Zainab and said: “We will not remain silent towards the attacks at the holy shrines of the Ahlul Bayt being committed by ignorant and arrogant groups.”
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