Rasa News Agency Reports – In a message issued by Ayatollah Hashemi Shahroudi, the desecration of the Holy shrine of Hajr son of Aday, one of the companions of the Prophet Mohammad has been condemned.
The message is as follows:
In the name of God, the compassionate, the merciful
We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return \ The Holy Quran - 2:156
The crime and the desecration committed over the valuable companion [of the Holy Prophet]'s shrine was terrible which brings shame to every human being and is condemned and unacceptable through all of the divine religions and all of the international conventions.
Exhumation of believers, specially the grand companions of the holy prophet, the sincere servants of God and the grandeur martyrs of Islam was one of the worst desecrations of the religious and Islamic sanctities ever and considers as one of the biggest crimes and sins ever committed, and the perpetrators deserve harsh punishments.
Similar events that happens under the leadership and guidance of the so-called Al-Qaeda group and its allies of other groups, unveils a dangerous truth to which all of the Muslims must pay attention and which they must understand, and that is the devastating actions of the excommunicators in the name of Jihad (defending for the sake of God), that have never had Islamic background, rather it’s the devastating actions of the colonial powers in the Islamic Countries to survive and continue the shameful guidelines of the Khawarij –who considered the Muslims, Companions and Imam Ali (AS) as non-believers - in the Islamic history. Today, the continuation of the same current is cultivating the seeds of excommunication in the Islamic countries and is committing the ugliest crimes under the cover of Jihad in the divine path, while Islam and Muslims hate them and their disgraceful actions.
This deviant movement that Muslims are facing today is threatening the expedience of the Islamic Ummah, their unity and honor and is distorting the face of the Muslims in front of the whole world.
Some of the features of these deviant groups that are active with the mask of Islam are:
First: Just like the Khawarij in the history of Islam, they accuse anyone who doesn't accept their wrong thoughts of being a non-believer and non-religious.
Second: Just like the Khawarij, they commit the ugliest and the most infamous crimes that neither the divine religions nor the humanitarian conventions would accept, in the name of Jihad.
Third: They are dependent to the international arrogant and blasphemy powers and are benefiting the Zionists and the enemies of Islam in the Islamic World.
Forth: They cultivate the seed of hostility, intrigue and controversy in the Islamic nations by using violence, assassination and killing of innocent civilians. And by showing their disgraceful actions on satellite channels, they demonstrate an ugly face of the holy Islam for the whole world and the believers of other religions.
Considering these points, it's definite for every faithful Muslim to be aware of this danger that has enfolded the Islamic nations and rise up to confront and excrete them and [also] try to avoid the Islamic nations to be deceived by these currents and defend the glory of the holy Islam and its blessed nation. They should clarify the issue, by telling the points already mentioned and that the evil current is totally strange with the pure soul of the true Islam to avoid the nation that is in the path of growth and excellence to get deceived by their deception.
'And hold fast to the Bond of Allah, together, and do not scatter. Remember the Favor of Allah bestowed upon you when you were enemies, and how He united your hearts, so that by His Favor you became brothers.'/ The Holy Quran - 3:103
Sayed Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi
4th of May 2013