RNA – A large group of students, seminarians, teachers, local government officials and general people gathered outside the house of the Friday prayer leader of Iran’s northwestern city of Tabriz on April 14th to angrily protest the illegal Saudi-led attack which has killed untold innocent people in the impoverished Arab country of Yemen as well as the recent Jeddah airport incident.
Protesters shouted slogans to condemn the Saudi regime’s attack on Yemen and voice their support for Yemeni people.
Protestors also criticized the violation and dignity of two Iranian teenage male Umrah pilgrims at the hands of Jeddah’s airport police. They called on the Saudi regime to swiftly punish those responsible for the indignant and humiliating act.
Speaking at the protest, Tabriz’s Friday prayers’ leader, Ayatollah Mohsen Mojtahed-Shabestari explained that the presence of so many people protesting the many crimes and violations by the House of Saud show the faith and will of the people and their dedication and adherence to the words of the Prophet.
He thanked the attendees for their enthusiastic participation and reminded them of the saying of the Prophet Muhammad: “Anyone who wakes up in the morning and is not concerned about the affairs of the Muslims, is not a Muslim.”
His Eminence stated that the Islamic Awakening and Muslims will bring down the House of Saud. He added that the “global arrogance” seeks to weaken the Islamic world and supports the anti-Islamic Zionist and Saudi tumours to spread throughout the region.
The Friday prayer leader of Tabriz spoke of the inconsistencies in the positions taken by the Saudi regime, saying that Saudi Arabia calls itself an Islamic country and its ruling family call themselves “Custodians of the Two Holy Mosques,” and they print distribute thousands of copies of the Holy Quran throughout the world but use their petrodollars to support wars against Muslims.
Ayatollah Shabestari pointed out that the House of Saud and Wahhabism were created by colonialist countries, especially the United States. "The House of Saud has created divisions among Muslims and has destroyed the unity of Muslims in the Middle East," he said.
He added that Boko Haram in Nigeria, ISIL in Iraq and Syria, al-Qaedah and the al-Nusrah Front in Syria , the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan are all branches of the House of Saud.
Ayatollah Shabestari explained that all of these Takfiri and Wahhabi groups consider Shi’ite Muslims and the Islamic Republic of Iran as their principle enemies, adding that in the aftermath of the Islamic Awakening their hostility toward Shi’ites has more apparent and widespread.
He noted that Takfiris are hostile to traditional Sunnism as well. They are seeking to divide and confront the Islamic Awakening through military aggression and other activities in order to weaken it.
Regarding the attack on two young Iranian pilgrims at Jeddah’s airport, His Eminence stressed that the Saudi government must deal with those responsible quickly and stressed that this incident will have a great impact on Iran-Saudi Arabian diplomatic relations if they do not deal with this issue in a serious manner.
Speaking on Yemen, Ayatollah Shabestari explained that the 17-day long Saudi-led assault is “illegal” and expressed his sorrow over what he considered a “massacre” of the Yemeni adherents of the Ahlul-Bayt.