RNA – Speaking during his advanced jurisprudence class at Qom’s Masjid al-A’dham (Grand Mosque), Grand Ayatollah Naser Makarem-Shirazi spoke on the reports of sexual abuse against two Iranian teenage pilgrims by Saudi Arabian airport security police at Jeddah’s King Abdulaziz International Airport.
Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi said we did not wish this unfortunate incident to be publicized and we also recommended this fact. However, due to the publication of this incident, we have no choice but to speak on the incident.
“Our question to [Iranian] Hajj and Umrah officials is that since Umrah (minor pilgrimage) is an recommended and not an obligatory act, should we go at any cost? We do not want the issue of boycotting Umrah to be raised but must we go at any cost, including enduring hardships and humiliation?” he asked.
The airport officials reportedly separated two Iranian teenage boys from other members of their group who were returning from their pilgrimage under the pretext of suspecting them, and sexually assaulted them.
During the inspection, the rest of the group noticed that the officers intended to sexually harass the two teenagers and informed the authorities of the issue.
Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi added that we say to the Saudi authorities: “You have embarked on a huge construction project – which is good – but the most important issue is security, especially the security of one’s honour. If there is not security at Jeddah’s airport is there security in the streets and alleys of Makkah and Madinah? If the security situation is shaken, what will the people of the world say about you?”
His Eminence noted that the Iranian authorities cannot consider this a simple issue, saying: “How long should we consider Umrah a recommended action and perform it at any cost? Our scholars are insulted in Masjid al-Nabi (The Prophet’s Mosque) and sometimes their turbans are taken from their heads and thrown and [now] some pilgrims have been insulted at the airport. Why should we subject our people to insults in order to perform a recommended action? This is not an incident that can be easily ignored!”