RNA - General Secretory of the World Forum for Proximity of the Islamic Schools of Thought, Ayatollah Mohsen Araki in an exclusive interview with Asre Andishe, delineated the history behind religious seminaries and put emphases on the necessity of bonding the two past and future generations of religious seminaries which their telling role can be very effective in educating the youths and new generation, reported Taqrib News Agency (TNA).
“Two major and powerful Seminaries of Shia people have been Najaf and Qom,” said the grand Ayatollah pointing as well to the two main streams standing during the history.
“One was introvert who had tendencies toward falling silent,” underlined the grand Ayatollah stating such stance taken due to the main historical events.
“The first was defeat of Qajar by Russia through which 17 cities were taken and detached from Iran. At that era some of religious clerics issued Jihad Fatwa against Russia and stepped up to make a move in a bid to stand against them, but they were betrayed in the long run,” explained General Secretory of the World Forum for Proximity of the Islamic Schools of Thought.
Ayatollah Araki touched upon the second event which was “Constitutional” era. “Seminary entered to the area [of politics] once again. The late Akhound Khorasani and Mirza Naeini were of the pioneers of Constitutionalism. But this movement hijacked by incompetent and unreliable group.”
The seasoned clerics delineated, “The movement of Constitutionalism was initiated by religious clerics but thereafter, serious fight started against the divine religion of Islam. Any how this movement in the long run turned to silence as well.”
General Secretory of the World Forum for Proximity of the Islamic Schools of Thought relate on the third event which was “Iraq Movement” and was commenced by the released Fatwa of Mirza Khouchak Khan and advanced by religious clerics.
“People raised by his fatwa, but thereupon the liberation happened by Shia people, due to the plots hatched by the U.K, no Shia leader was selected for running the country, “ said Ayatollah Araki stating the U.K officials had been after the monopoly of Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Jordon and Iraq so they had classified Shia people “as the third stratum of the society.”
“In the wake of policies and stances taken by Hashemis in Iraq, Shia people were marginalized. They do not even have right to establish a university so children who were born in Shia families could not admit at universities,” said the unity activist.
Given the above lines, according to Ayatollah Araki, “Shia people were completely squashed and oppressed in Iraq and those nomads who released Iraq following the released Fatwa of religious Jurisprudents were regretful of what they had done.”
General Secretory of the World Forum for Proximity of the Islamic Schools of Thought went on to add, “Najaf seminaries were under pressure and went through a similar condition (Qom seminary had) during Reza Pahlavi. According to Ayatollah Araki, The aforesaid three events enriched the idea of no political role should have seminary in realm of politics.
Ayatollah Araki beckoned to another stream which believed in the potentiality of seminaries. “To this movement, past experiences should be studied well and their pros and cons should be recognized.” According to Ayatollah Araki to this movement, “previous mistakes should be rectified and past flaws should be removed.”
“This movement were so strong and active,” said Ayatollah Araki stating the move titled ‘Hezb Al-Davah’ was founded by the late Mr. Sadr, Seyyed Mahdi Hakim and cooperation and support of the late Mr. Hakim.
Ayatollah Araki went on to delineated the late Imam Khomeini’s standpoint and takes in this area and underscored, “Despite of ‘Hezb Al-Davah’, the late Imam Khomeini was not believe in political organization, Imam Khomeini believed if people could trust clergies and move not based on political organization, they would have succeed undoubtedly.”
Ayatollah Araki underscored that to Imam Kkomeini, “first off, the coherent and united organization should be seriously established for training people so as to play their social role well.”
General Secretory of the World Forum for Proximity of the Islamic Schools of Thought stressed on this line , “this organization had to gain people’s trust and manage their movement. Religious clergies could move based on this power and run the country thereafter the victory of revolution.”
Elsewhere in his remarks, Ayatollah Araki beckoned to the present situation and underscored the telling role of new power of seminary youths who can be very effective by the leadership of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei.
General Secretory of the World Forum for Proximity of the Islamic Schools of Thought underscored, “at this time no factor is more effective than the guidance and teachings of Supreme Leader, especially for the youth. “
“Fortunately the new generation is fully aware and vigilant toward the warnings and guidance of leadership,” said the grand Ayatollah anticipating a bright future for the religious seminaries which can produce science fitted to the new situation and milieu of the world and society.
General Secretory of the World Forum for Proximity of the Islamic Schools of Thought went on to add that science and awareness of the youths, though are necessary but cannot suffice in the here and now. In his line, “what this new generation needed is spirituality and morality”. To Ayatollah Araki this very feature can lays the ground for making such knowledge and awareness fruitful.