Rasa News Agency Reports – Today, on the closing ceremony of 22nd Quran competition of the Basij (Volunteers), Hojatolislam Ameli, the representative of the supreme leader in the Ardabil province said: “If the Islamic society understands the truth about Quran and practice its instructions, the enemy wouldn’t dare to aggress”.
The member of the assembly of experts then criticized the negligence of the Muslims regarding the Quran and its instructions and stated: “Today, we need to clarify the comprehensive instructions of the Holy Quran in the life of the mankind instead of interperating them by our own opinions and misusing it”.
In mentioning the Wahhabis actions in interperating the Holy Quran by their own opinion, the Friday Prayer Leader said: “The Wahhabism commits crimes in the name of the Holy Quran, while the truth is something else. The west by the mean of Wahhabism, tries to badly harm the Holy Quran and the prophets progeny”.
Hojatolislam Ameli stated: “It’s interesting that nowadays the grand holiness of the Prophet and the Holy Quran, are being desecrated by the shameful actions of the Wahhabi scholars. They have distributed a million copies of Quran in Germany to present an unreal interpretation of the Holy Quran. The west misuses Wahhabism and its own corrupted thoughts to launch a propaganda campaign against Quran and Islam”.
He stressed that interoperating religion and its principles without a religious authority is very dangerous and said: “In this dangerous game, west, with the help of Wahhabism is trying to propagate an ideology that contains no religious authority anymore. If a priest is burning the Holy Quran today, or [a journalist] draw a cartoon for the Holy prophet, this shows villainy and surrender of the west in front of the Holy Quran’s domination”.