RNA – In a meeting with managers and staff of the Imam Khomeini (RA) Relief Committee in Qom, Grand Ayatollah Hoseyn Nouri-Hamadani explained that “holy wrath” directed at the enemies of God is one of the fundamentals of Islam as love for one’s believing friends protects one’s faith. “Some people say that we should love everyone in the world – this is not correct according to Islamic teachings,” he explained, adding that Muslims should strive hard against the unbelievers but be kind to each other.
Ayatollah Nouri-Hamadani cited the verse of the Holy Quran, where God Almighty states to prove this point: “Muhammad, the Apostle of God, and those who are with him are hard against the faithless and merciful amongst themselves...” [48:29]
His Eminence explained that given the current conditions and the spread of Islamophobia in the world and given that the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Israel and their agents in the Middle East have risen up to fight Muslims, it is necessary for Muslims to wake up to the reality of the enemies’ plots and hatred.
Ayatollah Nouri-Hamadani emphasized that Muslims must strengthen their affection with other Muslims, adding that it is one of the most important principles of Islam. “Islam seeks to create a perfect society, and it begins with reforming the human heart. Islam does not want a society full of poverty, ignorance and injustice. We must to think of the welfare of everyone and strive to remove poverty from the community,” he emphasized.
The revered source of emulation emphasized that the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) can play an important role in building a culture of serving the needy. “Every week, an hour should be specified for the managers of Imam Khomeini (RA) Relief Committee to explain their services to the people because wide propagation has a great effect on the people.”