RNA – In an exclusive interview with Rasa News Agency, Ayatollah Mohammad-Ali Alavi-Gorgani stressed the necessity of the unity of the Islamic world and to avoid disagreements and differences, and said: “Those who are ignorant stumble between extremism and excessiveness and we must educate people so as not to fall into this trap.”
He pointed out the importance of the path of moderation, saying that precaution should be taken in religious propagation and preaching, and to be wary of provoking religious pessimism among the people. His Eminence emphasized that the Infallible Imams (A) dealt with the people with compassion and mercy, which prompted people to love the Ahlul-Bayt (A) for their morals and contributed to the spread of true Islam among the people.
Ayatollah Alavi-Gorgani pointed out that in the Holy Quran, God Almighty called on people toward proof and logic, noting that society can turn into a logical society which moves away from excessiveness and avoid all forms of vices and sins.
“If the clergy called people toward unity and solidarity in order to promote peaceful cooperation, and if there was such cooperation, it could open the door to academic discussions [with other Muslims],” the revered source of emulation added.
He went on to say that the insults and abuse to the beliefs of others are contrary to the ethical spirit of Islamic teachings, saying: “There is no place for such behaviour described in the Islamic religion, and therefore we must expel [such] heretics from the Muslim community.”
Ayatollah Alavi-Gorgani also discussed that the Islamic religion always invites people toward the truth and rights. “Everyone has to know that when scholars invite all Muslims to unite, it does not mean the removal of denominational and sectarian boundaries; rather it means that everyone can remain in his own faith and emphasise is placed on the commonalities that make human life healthy,” the renowned teacher emphasized.
In conclusion, His Eminence said: “Unity, which the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution [Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei] has long called for, has a lofty meaning. Because unity promotes and reinforce security and stability in the country, it is the responsibility of the media to educate people about this matter.”