RNA – Speaking on the ongoing nuclear negotiations with the P5+1 group of countries, Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi explained: “Right now we are facing a difficult situation and we have important work ahead; the enemies have drawn the lines and plotted – but there is nothing good coming from the [P5+1] negotiations. However, the negotiations must continue. If there are any problems, their origin will become clear.”
“With the explanations they give, the negotiations do not smell that sweet, but we should be ready if the negotiations fail and also if they are successful. We must take everything into consideration and not make haste over minor details,” he added.
His Eminence criticized petty faultfinding and the media and the need to protect the general principles and give the negotiations a chance and solve the problems facing Iran. He added that in such circumstances it is natural that we should maintain our Islamic unity. “Faultfinding will only create more problems,” he said.
Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi pointed to the comments of David S. Cohen, the American Treasury’s Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, who admitted that “Washington’s policy is to strike at Iran and bring about a regime change. If Iran’s nuclear issue is resolved, the US will raise another issue.”
His Eminence said that this is an important lesson and stressed that the US is against Iranian independence and this issue should wake up the Iranian nation, and said: “The [US] does not want an independent Iran which is strong and powerful in the region.”
Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi stated that United States’ and the West’s claims to be fighting against ISIL are lies, stating: “Everyone knows Iraq and Iran are the greatest fighters against terrorism and ISIL and that most of the help from the West is to ISIL but they say with complete obscenity that Iran is the greatest supporter of terrorism in the region. [The West] does not have any integrity, and lie easily.”
Referring to the letter that Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei, recently addressed to the youth of Europe and North America, Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi said: “The Honourable Leader of the Islamic Revolution has done an excellent effort as he did not to address the Western governments, but rather the youth.”