Rasa – Israeli media reported a massive cyber-attack to several official websites of the Israeli regime including the website of the ministry of Defence

Rasa News Agency Reports – The Zionist Medias are reporting a massive cyber-attack to several official websites of the Zionist regime in the previous hours.
The Israeli newspaper HAARETZ reported that the hacked websites includes “those of the Prime Minister's Office, the Israel Securities Authority, the Immigrant Absorption Ministry and the Central Bureau of Statistics” and any damage on “the Defense Ministry, Mossad and Israel Military Industries” appears to have been “fleeting”.
The Al-Mayadeen News channel have also reported that the website of the Mossad have also been incapacitated in the attack.
Some reports have claimed the attacks to be bigger and have reported that tens of the Israeli official websites have been stopped working and have restarted after a few hours.
The operation called “Operation Israel” that have launched by anonymous has leaked hundreds of E-mail addresses and passwords.
According to Al-Manar News channel, hackers from Palestine and Jordan have hacked 40,000 Israeli pages of Facebook.
The organizers of such attack have said that the action was to protest the Israeli policies in Gaza and the west bank. They have also threatened to wipe Israel "off the map of the Internet," by what they call “the largest Internet battle in the history of mankind”.
In addressing Israel, in a statement published on the website of the anonymous, the hackers have wrote: “You have NOT stopped your endless human right violations. You have NOT stopped illegal settlements. You have NOT respected the ceasefire. You have shown that you do NOT respect international law. This is why that on April 7, elite cyber-squadrons from around the world have decided to unite in solidarity with the Palestinian people against Israel as one entity to disrupt and erase Israel from cyberspace”.
Plus, they have published name and address of 1500 of the Mossad spies on Google Doc.
According to some reports, the attacks were harsh enough for Israel that they asked the US and the European Union for help.
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