RNA - During the meeting Ayatollah Amini criticized the domestic problems in Iranian society, stating that the issue of women and family affairs is one of the major concerns of the government. “At this time, the situation of the Iranian family is not good and should be studied and analyzed to find which policies have failed and have caused the problems facing Iranian families and society,” he said.
Ayatollah Amini, who is an expert on Islamic culture and family issues, stated that all policies of the parliament and government should be based on ten fundamentals. He emphasized that he family is the basic unit of Islamic society and all rules, regulations, and programs should be to facilitate the formation of families and preserve its sanctity. He added that the stability of family relations is based on Islamic law and morality.
His Eminence criticized the current situation of the family in Iranian society as poor. “The present situation of families in society is very poor. This is due to the lack of proper planning by government authorities,” he stated.
During the meeting with Ms Mollaverdi, Ayatollah Amini brought up several important issues:
The availability of university courses which are tailored to the dignity of women and families, the availability of majors and courses which are easy to study for married women, whether military conscription laws harm early marriage, reasons for the rising age of marriage, the reasons why youth who need to marry are not able to fulfill their needs and why advertisements stressing the benefits of childbearing are not accepted in society.
“We must review the origins of these family and social problems and find the solution to these problems,” His Eminence stated.
Ayatollah Amini said that thirty-five years after the Islamic Revolution, Iranian women should be role models for all women of the world, but unfortunately, Iran has faced certain social and family problems.
He added that propaganda does not solve the social and moral problems facing society and the family, and said that brief meetings with scholars and sources of emulation can not solve social and family problems.
Addressing Ms Mollaverdi, Ayatollah Amini stated: “The government has placed important and major responsibilities on you. A special working group should be established with the participation of religious and family experts. Of course, these meetings should not be just ceremonial.”
In conclusion, Ayatollah Amini added that this committee can examine the social and family problems we face and the president can examine them and if it is necessary, the parliament can offer its advise and implement the necessary laws in various government and non-government institutions.