Rasa – Najaf Friday preacher heavily criticized the death fatwa of the prime minister of Iraq by the head of the International Union of Muslim Scholars.

Rasa News Agency – Sayed Sadreddin Qobanchi the Friday preacher of Najaf in this week's Friday prayers sermon, which was held at Fatemiyyeh Kubra Hosseiniyeh, heavily criticized the permissible Fatwa of the death of the prime minister of Iraq by Sheikh Yusuf Qarzawy the head of the International Union of Muslim Scholars and said: “What kind of religion is this that permits to kill people."
Unfortunately, some of the scholars have stood firmly against Iraq and even some of the authorities of the other countries do not want to travel to this country.”
He noted: “This statement represents a radical paradigm which is unacceptable both in Islam and internationally. No one would support an extremist religion.”
Sayed Qobanchi emphasized: “These days we are witnessing the threatening messages being sent to homes. We heavily disagree with these issues regardless by Shia or Sunni.”
Friday preacher of Najaf referring such things has no place in Islam stated: “Shia ethics would take Shia away from such actions and such issues do not occur from the Sunnis either. Those who kill and threaten people are follower of terrorism and extremism.”
He mentioned the Funeral of 50 martyrs of collective graves and continued: “The mass graves found are the black spots on the records of the dictatorial regime that killed innocents. Paying attention to the families of martyrs especially the families of the mass graves martyrs is essential”.
Sayed Qobanchi heavily criticized the requests of some people for having mercy on Baathists and asserted: “What does it mean to cry and beg for Baathists. If these issues are because of the advertising for the elections it is the worst kind of election campaigns. Those who bring these words out they have to make their conscience judge and look very well at the orphans, widows, and people who suffered during the black regime.”
The Najaf seminary professor by referring to the campaign ads and to the need to adhere to the ethics of election for the candidates emphasized: “Everyone must adhere to the ethics of election and to refrain from transmission charges and insulting others.”
He emphasized: “Now there are two ways for the reconstruction of Iraq and the Islamic World, Moderate approach that is based on dialogue and negotiations and elections which is a desirable method and the other method which is based on murdering others.”
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