RNA - Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif had announced earlier that distinguished international and regional figures will attend the gathering, entitled “World Free from Violence and Extremism,” slated for December 9 and 10, Tasnim News reported.
The main subject of the conference includes ways to address the “global concern about the violent conditions in the cotemporary world.”
“Addressing that concern requires international determination, settling disagreements and focusing on commonalities,” read part of a document, explicating themes of the conference.
“The conference will try to provide a framework for joint action to find a solution to a common issue,” it added, referring to the problem of violence and terrorism.
Iran attracted attention last year as one of the first countries that anticipated a growing trend in extremist moves in the world.
On December 18, 2013, the United Nations General Assembly overwhelmingly voted to approve Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s WAVE (World Against Violence and Extremism) proposal.
Wave Act asks the UN member states to unite against extremism, violence and sectarian conflicts in all their forms.
The resolution, which received overwhelming approval in the global body, also necessitates “appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace and to achieve international cooperation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character.”