RNA – Addressing over 200 Sunni and Shi’ite scholars gathered in the Iranian holy city of Qom for a conference entitled “World Congress on Extremist and Takfiri Movements in the View of Islamic Scholars,” Shaykh Tajuddin al-Hilali, an Egyptian-born Sunni scholar who is the former Grand Mufti of Australia, stressed upon the necessity of fighting against all types of Takfiri and extremist thoughts.
“We have credible narrations from the Noble Prophet of Islam [Prophet Muhammad] (S) which clearly state that protecting the lives and property of all Muslims who accept the qiblah, prophethood and the Quran is obligatory,” Rasa News quoted Shaikh Tajuddin al-Hilali as saying.
“These Takfiris are striving to misappropriate and misuse Islamic holy sites and the alter the call of ‘Allahu Akbar’ [God is the greatest], which we all recite in our daily prayers, into a symbol of murder in order to legitimate their crimes. This action has seriously tarnished the face of the religion of Islam in the world,” the Sunni scholar stated.
Shaykh al-Hilali condemned the deviant beliefs of these individuals who not even treat women and children with mercy. “Takfiris do not hesitate to commit any crime in order advance their sinister goals. Those who follow the Takfiri path also object to Muslim women,” he stated.
He added that Takfiris have destructive thoughts and no Muslim is safe from them.
Warning the scholars present on the dangers associated with hazardous methods of religious propagation, Shaykh al-Hilali stated: “We who are the scholars of Islam must not allow our Muslim youths to easily fall into the trap of the Takfiris’ unfounded system of beliefs. We should warn and advise them in the first stage of any deviancy and prevent them from carrying out the aims and plots of the Zionists and the Americans in the region [Middle East].”