RNA - Shaoquett Moselmane told the Legislative Council seemingly-trivial images of food, dress and habits were repeated throughout the media, politics and everyday conversation to ridicule people of the Islamic faith.
"This is the subject of my brief contribution today, which I have entitled Thongs, Kebabs and Hijabs: A Character Assassination," he said.
"Rather than convey the richness of Islamic culture when covering Islamic celebrations, television stations almost always commence with sweeping views of the piles of thongs outside of mosques.
"The attack on dress and food at first appearance is trivial, but what appears to be trivial becomes the core process, which then becomes the norm.
"It becomes the way to demonise Islam and the people whose way of life and religion it is.
"My message is: Let us not give those who want to play the culture war or the clash of a civilisation any breathing space, for if we do, we will all lose."