RNA – Ayatollah Sayyed Ahmad Alamolhoda, the Friday prayer leader of the holy city of Mashhad, led Ashura commemorations at the Holy Shrine of Imam Ali ar-Ridha on Tuesday.
In his speech, he stated that the most emotional and sensitive moments of the day of Ashura, occurred on the afternoon of Ashura. Ayatollah Alamolhoda stated that along with the tears and cries, it is possible that some people may wonder if the revolution of Ahlul-Bayt brought victory or defeat in the face of such heart-rendering tragedies and trials?
His Eminence answered this saying that we always have considered the revolution of Imam Husayn victorious in our slogans but if we analyze this event truthfully and thoroughly and also if we look at it with love for the Infallible Household of the Prophet Muhammad and his companions, we will come to understand that the revolution of the Master of the Martyrs [Imam Husayn] was indeed victorious.
Ayatollah Alamolhoda said that after the victory of every revolution and every movement we can evaluate it: “Regarding the uprising of Imam Husayn, we believe that it is not over. His uprising in the year 61 AH was just the beginning of a movement. In that year, Imam Husayn began his revolution and that revolution continues until today.”
Regarding the lessons which can be abstracted from the Battle of Karbala, he stated: “Even today we have Karbala’s [causes worth fighting for] and because Karbala’s still exist, there are enemies which we must fight against. Wherever Imam Husayn fights, we must also fight alongside him and give him our hand [in allegiance].”
The event of Karbala and Imam Husayn are not a myths or a tales but they are truths which will last forever and our glorious Islamic Revolution was inspired by Ashura. “The Islamic Revolution was not just a dry political event but a religious belief. Our Islamic Revolution was the globalization of the event of Karbala. The enemies seek to keep Karbala contained to religious gatherings but the Islamic Revolution brought Karbala out of the husayniyah’s [Islamic centres] and onto the world stage!” Ayatollah Alamolhoda stated.
“Today the arrogance powers desire to overthrow [Islam], and we are at the head of a movement which the enemy seeks to eradicate. They freely kill and murder people and commit any crime they feel like in the land of Imam Husayn with full immunity. Imam Khomeini stated that ‘1400 years after Karbala, I am still a son of Imam Husayn and thus I will never accept humiliation!’” he added.
The eminent scholar stated that Barack Obama, John Kerry and Benyamin Netanyahu are the Yazid’s of our era and emphasized that Iran will never give allegiance to America or Israel, just as Imam Husayn stated “a person like me can never pay allegiance to a person like Yazid!”