Friday lecturer of Najaf:
Rasa – Friday preacher of Najaf by referring to the strong tendency of Christians to Islam said: “The time of spreading Islam in the West has came.”

Rasa News Agency – Hojjat al-Islam Sayed Sadredin Qubbanchi the Friday preacher of Najaf in this week's Friday Prayers sermon which was held in Fatemiyyeh Kubra Hosseiniyeh by referring to the strong tendency of the worlds to Islam expressed: “The end’s bell is ringing deeply inside Christianity and the Islamic principles are strongly influencing the Christian community”.
He added: “We are on the threshold ofa new era and the west wants to learn Islam from us. Conversion of many bishops to Islam is one of the reasons why the Pope resigned and the speech of one of the bishops that he said the future is for Islam, is the evidence for this claim.”
Sayed Qubbanchi in another part of his speech referred to the election of Baghdad as the cultural capital of the Arabic countries and expressed: “The important point is that everyone should adhere to Islamic teachings and do not allow the event to become dullness event.”
Friday lecturer of Najaf emphasized: “It was Islam that made Baghdad (as what it is today) and everyone should respect Islam and do not hold dances and singing parties under this pretext.”
He strongly criticized the threats against the Iraqi Turkmens and said: “Iraqi Turkmens are the third largest ethnic group in Iraq and protecting their lives is one of the main duties of the government and the security forces. Unfortunately some movements are forcing them to leave their house and their city.”
The teacher of Najaf Seminary by referring to the nearby provincial councils elections noted: “I ask everyone to participate in the elections widely and select the fittest and capable person.”
Hojjat al-Islam Sayed Sadredin Qubbanchi asserted: “The Candidates for the election should refrain from insulting each other, adhere to the law and to know that false promises and using public property for campaigning is forbidden.”
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