Islamic Jurist of Najaf to the United Nations secretary general:
Rasa – One of the Islamic Jurist of Najaf in a message to the secretary general of United Nations heavily criticized the silence of this organization and the international community to the Shia massacre occurring in the world especially in Iraq and Pakistan.

Rasa News Agency – Ayatollah Sayed Muhammad Saied Hakim one of the Islamic jurist of Najaf in a message to the secretary general of United Nations strongly denounced the Shia massacre occurring in the world especially in Iraq and Pakistan and emphasized the need to stand against such crimes.
He wrote in his message: “The international community has to be responsible toward the Shia massacre and the terrorist bombings especially in Iraq and Pakistan and do not be indifferent toward this disaster.”
Ayatollah Hakim continued: “Failure to deal with terroristic crimes can make nations pessimistic towards international institutions and organizations.”
It is noteworthy that this message has been given to Martin Coupler the representative of UN in Iraq by Abdul Hadi Hakim parliament member of Iraq and Coupler would give this letter to Ban Ki Moon in few days.
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