20 February 2013 - 19:05
News ID: 131
Rasa - Geert Wilders the anti Islam Dutch politician trip to Australia caused a lot of opposition from the Australian community and even one of the ministers of this country.
dutch politician

Rasa News Agency Reports from The Muslim News -The trip of Geert Wilders, the right-wing and anti-Muslim Dutch politician to Australia caused a lot of tensions in the country and also caused the fierce protests of Muslims and even the minister of Cultural Affairs of this country.
Nick Kotsiras the CulturalAffairs Ministerof Australia inan interview withThe Daily Telegraph said: “I support the freedom of expression but freedom has to be with responsibility.”
He expressed: “Wilders is in the wrong path, he has wrong information. He must know how the followers of different religion can live together in peace.”
Mr. Kotsirasnoted: “This Dutch politician thinks that Islam has no place in democracy, but I think he is wrong.”
Geert Wilders, leader of the right-wing Freedom Party in the Netherlands, invited by an association called "Q society" has arrived in Australia and wants to talk against what he called the Islamization of Europe.
As soon as he arrived to Australia he expressed his anti-Islamic remarks.
This anti-Islamic politician in an interview with CBS Television Network said: “If you really want to protect your freedom, if you really want to defend your identity as a citizen of a non-Islamic country which is formed based on Christianity and Judaism, you must open your eyes, take a lesson from the mistakes that occurred in Europe and not let this mistake be repeated here.”
Geert continued his insult towards Islam and said: “There is no place in Islam for anything other than Islam.Islamwill findits way inAustralia andifthis happens those who are not Muslim would bethe firstvictims.”
He also demanded to stop distributing the Quran in Australia.
At the same time the Australianauthoritieshave warned that if Wilders anti-Islamic statement moves beyond the red line, he will be prosecuted.
Muhammad Tabba, a member of the executive committee of the Islamic Council of Victoria expressed that: “Racism has been abolished and Wilders opinions on Islam are different than what majority of Australian people believe about Islam. In addition his party in Netherlands is not also popular.”
Geert Wilders made a fifteen-minute documentary ​​in 2008 and introduced the holy Quran as a cause of violence.

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