RNA – During his advanced jurisprudence class at Qom’s Grand Mosque (Masjid al-A’dham), Ayatollah Nasser Makarem-Shirazi offered his condolences to his students and to the believers on the martyrdom anniversary of Hadhrat Muslim ibn Aqil (A), the ambassador of the third Shi’ite Imam, Husayn ibn Ali (A), to Kufah. His Eminence explained Hadhrat Muslim’s virtues and merits during his lecture.
In reference to Muslim ibn Aqil, who was the first martyr of Karbala, Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi said: “We are hopeful that God Almighty by the blessings of this great martyr, the problems of the Islamic society, especially those our country, will be solved.”
During his lecture, Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi also referred to the holy day of Arafah, the ninth day of the Islamic lunar month of Dhul-Hijjah, and urged the believing people to pray for the removal of the plights and problems affecting many Muslim nations.
He said that the day of Arafah is the best time to pray, worship and supplicate to Almighty God, saying: “Today is a day of prayer, not only for oneself, but for all Muslim nations that are caught in the claws of the enemy. Also, please pray for those who have been killed and captured [by ISIL terrorists].”
Other sources of emulation and scholars also honoured the day of Arafah in their lectures and also encouraged the public to pray for the removal of the plight of all Muslim nations and for their problems to be solved.