RNA – During his advanced Islamic Jurisprudence class at Qom’s Masjid al-A’dham (Grand Mosque), Ayatollah Ja’far Sobhani explained that the crimes of the so-called Islamic State (IS) are worse than the Kharijites, a traitorous group from early Islamic history who initially supported the authority of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib, the son-in-law and cousin of the prophet Muhammad, then later rejected his leadership. Like modern day Takfiris, they declared other Muslims to be unbelievers and therefore deemed them worthy of death.
He stated that IS members have exhumed the bodies of several Islamic prophets and other revered personalities from their graves and destroyed the mosques built over them claiming that Muslims are worshipping them and committing polytheism. “It is true that the Kharijites committed heinous crimes, but they did not exhume graves or sever their enemies’ heads and play with them like they were playing football,” Ayatollah Sobhani said.
He pointed to the terrible crimes committed by the IS, saying that this organization claims the formation of an Islamic caliphate on the basis of the Quran and Islamic traditions and Islam is a religion of mercy and compassion. The Prophet Muhammad (S) was sent by God to propagate a religion which brings comfort and tranquility to its followers. “Where is the mercy and compassion in this terrorist organization when it beheads people and plays with their heads?! There is no doubt that this group has no relation to Islam,” Ayatollah Sobhani emphasized.
He stressed that IS will not last according to Islamic belief and noted that IS will collapse when its protectors remove their support. He also emphasized the importance of women’s rights in Islam, emphasizing that the IS exposes women to many forms of injustice and oppression, which are completely against Islam.