Rasa interviewing Hezbollah women division
Rasa – The director of the Women division of Hezbollah in an interview with Rasa News Agency said: “The Islamic Revolution has woken up the global world.”

Rasa News Agency - The director of Hezbollah women division in Lebanon has expressed that the Islamic revolution has woken up the global world and said: “Lebanese women believe that Imam Khomeini revived the religion, dignity and honor back to the Muslim women.”
Mrs. Affaf el Hakim the director of Hezbollah’s women division in Lebanon in an Interview with Rasa News Agency referred that the Islamic revolution by the leadership of Imam Khomeini has woken up the global world and said: “The Islamic revolution has woken up the global world especially the Muslims and Imam Khomeini has deeply influenced the heart and the life of all the free nations.”
She said: “The whole world is using the thoughts of Imam Khomeini, and the Muslim women are also not far from this, and by utilizing the thoughts of Imam Khomeini we are growing and excelling. Muslim women were not in such a blessing in any moment of history as they are after the Islamic revolution”.
She said:” the influence of Islamic revolution on women’s development is very important”.
The director of the Hezbollah women division in talking about the Islamic revolution effect on women, she expressed:” Imam Khomeini and the Islamic revolution could take the women out of the Stagnation and gave them a more active position in the house and community. Women in the radiance of the Islamic revolution and Imam Khomeini could gain the biggest part of their wishes, and based on the ideals of Imam Khomeini could gain Increasing spirituality and reach progress in various fields”.
The director of Hezbollah women division in Lebanon said: “the combatant women in the Islamic Resistance of Palestine and Lebanon also has used the ideals and goals of Islamic revolution of Iran for abidance in front of the Zionist enemy and with the self confidence which Imam Khomeini has given to them they are standing in the first line of the battle against falsehood now.”
“Imam Khomeini’s Continuous support of Palestine is very important factor in the Resistance of this nation”, she said.
She continued: “Imam Khomeini was always defending Palestine and he was taking this issue as the most important issue of the Islamic world. Palestinian people are strongly influenced of this and we are seeing that the Palestinian women give the blood of themselves and their children as a gift for Islam and for the freedom of Palestine and they are really happy about this.”
Affaf el Hakim by mentioning the expanding role of women in Islamic resistance in Lebanon said: “the active women of Hezbollah in Lebanon and the women in Palestine have used the Movement of Imam Khomeini for a active participation in the fight against the global arrogance. Lebanese women believe that Imam Khomeini gave the religion, dignity and honor back to them and now we can see the women in Hezbollah have a large role in resistance and with placing standards like the sacrifices of Fatima al Zahra and Lady Zainab, they feel so happy about the sacrifice of their Children”.
She also expressed the supreme leader of the Islamic revolution as the best successor of Imam Khomeini and said: “we have the blessing of the leadership of Imam Khamenei who is continuing the path of Imam Khomeini and is promoting the thoughts of the great Leader of the Islamic Revolution precisely. We are in a great position and we would never go back to the previous situation”.
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