RNA (Najaf) – A group of families of the martyrs in the war against the Takfiri terrorist group “The Islamic State” has traveled to Najaf from Dhi Qar province and met with Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Sistani to meet and discuss current events with him.
In a morning prayer meeting with families of the martyrs fighting the so-called Islamic State, Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Sistani asserted that prays for the martyrs every morning. “Every day during my morning prayers I pray for the people of Dhi Qar and the martyrs of Tikrit, the Speicher military base. And I do not forget those martyred in other places and I am always thinking about them,” His Eminence explained.
Ayatollah Sistani explained that he also prays that these martyrs who drowned in their blood of the martyrs to be gathered with the martyrs of the Ahlul-Bayt (A). Their families will be rewarded by God for their patience. He stated that the large number of Iraqi security forces and youth who killed by the “Islamic State” terrorists at Speicher military base terrorists was a very heinous crime.
On June 25, witnesses have testified that the so-called Islamic State executed about 1,700 “Shi’ah members of the Iraqi barmy” near Tikrit, posting videos of hundreds of captured men in civilian clothes, who it claimed had surrendered at the Speicher base. The men were brutally shot to death and their bodies were thrown into the river after being shot or burned.
Iraqi Prime Minister Haydar al-Abadi announced on September 3rd that he will seek the punishment of the perpetrators of the massacre. In recent days, families of victims have travelled to the office of Ayatollah Sistani in Najaf and called the commanders of the security forces traitors who must be promptly prosecuted.