Rasa News Agency reports from Qom – Concurrent with the beginning of the school year, the Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom has issued a statement addressed to students and scholars. It highlights areas that require greater effort, purpose and determination in the new school year.
The statement, signed by Ayatollah Mohammad Yazdi, says that with the beginning of the new school year in seminaries across Iran, the enthusiasm to study Islam has once again taken over the lives and hearts of students. It explains that the new school year is a new opportunity to increase ones intellectual and spiritual motivation which will help with the development of the seminaries. Undoubtedly, today the Muslim world has important needs and plenty of opportunities to promote spiritual development and thus, we need to take our mission more seriously.
We live in an era where the importance of Islam and religiousness is increasing across the world and hearts are eager to learn about Islamic beliefs and the vast knowledge of the Ahlul-Bayt (A). Due to this, the enemies seek to destroy pure Muhammadan Islam and discredit his character. They are implanting doubts and inciting various extremist movements across the Islamic world to discredit true Islam and prevent its growth. Thus, the seminaries must prepare themselves to respond to these movements and strive to advance the intellectual and spiritual atmosphere in the country and prepare seminarians and clerics to perform their duties, the statement explains.
Today, the hearts of our nation’s youth are full of the love of spirituality and are thirsty for knowledge of the Quran and the Ahlul-Bayt (A). We must take this seriously and fulfill our duties to serve them. Hence, we begin the new school year with a resolution to strive harder to explain the wisdom of the Ahlul-Bayt (A) so that our future will be brighter.