Rasa News Agency reports – Ayatollah Sayyed Hashem Hoseyni-Bushehri, the director of the Islamic Seminaries throughout Iran, was among the scholars present at the closing ceremony of the Academic Olympiad of Elite Seminarians in the holy city of Qom. He warned seminarians to join the seminary with the correct intentions.
Ayatollah Bushehri stressed that seminarians should take advantage of the limited time they have to study well. The present situation of the seminary is very different from the past as seminarians have various opportunities for advancement which they previously did not have. He expressed concern that in the current era, many seminarians do not give studying its due importance and warned that that they may face other problems by not taking their Islamic studies seriously. He stressed that the seminarians should study for the sake of God’s satisfaction and was saddened that some seminarians only think about receiving a position of authority and receiving their stipend.
His Eminence explained the great sacrifices scholars made in the past. Young men would join the seminary in order to seek knowledge and gain closeness to God. Many times they did not receive a stipend and sometimes they had no food to eat and lived in harsh conditions. Unfortunately, in this present era where we enjoy much ease, the goal of some seminarians is to complete their current level of studies in order to increase their stipend and not for learning knowledge to please God.
Ayatollah Bushehri emphasized that the seminaries need to support the elite and distinguished scholars as they are an investment in the future of the Islamic mission to spread the divine message of the Ahlul-Bayt (A). He also stated that the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution (Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei), as well as other sources of emulation, have called for a revitalization of the Islamic Seminary.