] Tags - Cluster Bomb
Tags - Cluster Bomb
Rasa - At least six civilians have lost their lives and several others sustained injuries when Saudi fighter jets carried out fresh aerial attacks against residential areas in Northern Yemen, using internationally-banned cluster bombs.
News ID: 427848    Publish Date : 2017/03/04

Rasa - A prominent Yemeni politician underlined that Britain along with the US and Israel should be blamed for the crimes committed by the Saudi regime against the Yemeni civilians.
News ID: 426190    Publish Date : 2016/12/31

Rasa - The British defense secretary Michael Fallon has seen government analysis indicating that British-made cluster munitions were used by the Saudi-led coalition in the current conflict in Yemen, sources have told the Guardian.
News ID: 425890    Publish Date : 2016/12/19

Rasa - The Saudi air force attacked the Yemeni civilians in Sa'ada province with cluster bombs several times over the past week.
News ID: 425654    Publish Date : 2016/12/10

Rasa - The UN human rights office says the Saudi military is using cluster bombs against residential areas in Yemen in violation of international law, blaming the Riyadh regime for most of the civilian casualties in its impoverished southern neighbor.
News ID: 422943    Publish Date : 2016/08/25