The meaning of arrogance
The meaning of arrogance in the Quran
Arrogance is a Quranic concept, and it is not something that has been coined pointlessly within the framework of the Islamic Revolution of Iran. The meaning of arrogance necessitates that Muslims, believers, the Islamic Republic, and the Revolution oppose it. They should not temporarily oppose arrogance for tactical reasons or when it is expedient. Rather, they should oppose it constantly. That is the nature of the Revolution, and it will not change as long as the Revolution is alive.
The meaning of arrogance in the Quran is to consider oneself or one’s group above justice and to set oneself or one’s power as the criterion for justice. Satan was the first case of arrogance in the history of the mankind registered in the Quran.
Of course arrogance has a variety of meanings. It appears that arrogance is different from conceit. We can say that conceit refers to the existence of some psychological and spiritual attribute. Conceit is to consider oneself superior to other people. Arrogance, however, is focused on the practical aspect of conceit. That is to say, in their interaction with other people, those who are conceited and consider themselves superior to others plan their behavior in a way that their conceit reveals itself in practice. They humiliate and insult others. They interfere in other people’s affairs and try to make decisions for them. The meaning of arrogance within the framework of the Islamic Revolution
Within the framework of the Islamic Revolution, arrogance refers to a center of power that is inspired by its discriminatory attitude towards mankind and uses its political, military, economic, and scientific capabilities to dominate, exploit, and pressurize human communities, such as, nations, governments, and countries, in a bullying and humiliating fashion. This center of power interferes in their affairs and encroaches on their sources of wealth. It bullies governments, oppresses nations, and disparages their cultures and traditions.
Arrogant powers are those that control a major portion of the world through their wealth and power. The global Zionist network, bullying America, and the financial organizations that sponsor these global networks of domination are all numbered among the arrogant powers.
In the modern world, America is the symbol of arrogance, in the negative and detestable sense of the word. Otherwise, it is not just a matter of opposing a particular race or nation. The important matter is that each nation has a sense of honor and an identity, and is unwilling to allow foreign powers to make its honor an object of ridicule through bullying and deception. Each nation has a source of wealth and does not want its wealth to be plundered.
The enemy is the global center of arrogance and domination, one great manifestation of which is America. Of course when I say America, I do not mean the people of America. Like all other people living across the world, the American people have their own positive and negative characteristics. The Iranian nation is not their enemy. It is the American regime that the Islamic Revolution of Iran addresses [as the enemy], a regime whose policies are driven by the idea of global domination. By the term “American domination” we mean domination by the American regime.
Arrogance is founded on the basis of oppression, and as the peak of arrogance, the American government has the worst type of government in the world in terms of arrogance. The American government is built on the idea that it has to oppose any government or country across the world that is not prepared to serve its interests. Is there any heresy and arrogance worse than this? Sometimes one may say “there are some internal interests and I just safeguard those interests, so do not try to oppose me.” This is reasonable. But it is not acceptable to oppose people simply because they have failed to consider one’s interests. What oppression is worse than this? That is exactly what the United States is currently doing throughout the world.
The logic behind arrogance is terror and coercion as well as unfair use of power. Therefore, arrogance promotes terrorism. Today Americans are entering different countries under the pretext of fighting terrorism and pressure nations. They drop bombs on them and kill children, women, old men, and defenseless people. The logic they present for this is that they want to fight terrorism. What is the meaning of terrorism? Does terrorism mean anything other than illegal use of coercion for promoting one’s goals? Is what America currently doing in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan something different than terrorism?
The plans that global arrogance is pursuing to oppose the Iranian nation can be summarized in three phrases: Psychological warfare, economic warfare, and efforts to thwart scientific progress. The enmity of the arrogant powers towards the Iranian nation boils down to these three plans.
What is psychological warfare? Intimidation is the purpose of psychological warfare. Who is it that they want to intimidate? After all, it is not possible to intimidate a nation. It is not possible to intimidate large groups of people. Who is it that they want to intimidate? They want to intimidate government officials, political figures, and the elite. They want to bribe those who can be bribed. They want to undermine public determination. They want to change people’s perception of the realities of their society. That is the goal of psychological warfare.
Economic warfare is another goal. They want to put the Iranian nation in a predicament. They threaten to impose sanctions. Sanctions cannot deal a blow to Iran. Have they not imposed sanctions so far? The Iranian nation has achieved nuclear energy, made scientific progress, and managed to construct large portions of the country in spite of their sanctions. In some circumstances, sanctions may finally benefit the Iranian nation, as they may increase the determination of Iranians to make more efforts.
Thwarting scientific progress can be exemplified by the nuclear issue. In their comments and political commentary, they say western governments are opposed to Iran’s achieving nuclear energy. Nobody cares whether they agree to it or not. Has the Islamic Republic asked permission for achieving nuclear energy? The Iranian nation has not entered this arena with the permission of others, so it cannot be denied permission. All that matters is that the Iranian people want and have agreed to have this energy.
Today preventing the countries that are ruled by revolutionary governments from achieving scientific progress is one of the preoccupations of colonialism, arrogance, America, and the Zionists, who promote corruption in the world. This preoccupation is especially obsessive in the case of Iran because they have not been, and will not be, as sensitive to any other revolution as they have been to Islam and the Islamic Revolution.
The tools used by arrogance
Media are the tools used by global arrogance. Media have a great deal of power in the world, and they can do great things for their owners. The most important media in the world – including news agencies, radio and TV stations, and popular newspapers – all belong to capitalists, who are the main foundations of global arrogance. In the news they spread around the world, everything is formulated in line with their interests.
I am warning all our Muslim brothers throughout the world that all the propaganda machines of arrogant powers, spearheaded by America, have been mobilized today to present a false image of the Islamic Republic, of Iran, and of Muslim nations to the people of the world. Our Muslim brothers throughout the world should keep this general rule in mind when interpreting the propaganda that is broadcast against the Islamic Republic and is spread by the press, news agencies, and radio stations as well as official statements of political figures. This is a very important issue.
They say they want to have relations with the Islamic Republic. But what they say is a lie. That is to say, they are not after healthy relations. They want relations accompanied by impositions and arrogance. They want the kind of relations existing between America and corrupt regimes. Today the American regime cannot announce this.
Those who think that the Islamic Republic must negotiate with the head of arrogance – namely, America – are either naïve or have been intimidated. Arrogance relies on a campaign of intimidation rather than its real power. Basically, arrogance has survived through threatening and intimidating others.
Enemies try to present a bleak picture of the future to people. Whenever you hear some people making disappointing comments about the economic situation of the country and its future prospects, you should know that their comments have their roots in arrogance.
Creating doubts about the future in the minds of people is one of the propaganda techniques used by the enemies. Unfortunately, when some naïve individuals – of course there may also be some people with ulterior motives – see that the country is heading for progress and construction, believing that they can create a dilemma for people, they arouse doubts about everything instead of helping, cooperating, facilitating the process, and presenting bright prospects. Competent management should be accompanied by progress. Why should one ever doubt the progress of a nation? Those who make comments and express their viewpoints must beware of saying anything that is line with the wishes of the enemies and the arrogant powers. That is exactly what the enemy wants, and it prefers people to confront a dilemma in their efforts and their attempts at construction of the country.
Whenever there is unity among believers and Allah’s righteous servants, there will be monotheism as well. Whenever there is discord among believers and Allah’s righteous servants, there will undoubtedly be God’s enemies and Satan as well. Wherever you observe discord, you can search and easily find Satan there, the Satan that resides within us and is the most dangerous of all Satans. Therefore, all discord is rooted in man’s selfishness, ambitions, and egoism or in foreign intervention – that is to say, the hands of the enemy, arrogant powers, and oppressive superpowers.
Today nobody should create discord. Everyone can adhere to their own beliefs and try to prove them to other people. When preachers of different Islamic denominations preach to people, they should not engage in reasoning and try to prove the truth of their beliefs. They may engage in discussion and reasoning. However, it is one thing to try to prove one’s beliefs, but quite another thing to engage in hostility, join global arrogance, and use one’s powers to cause a war among Muslims.
Therefore, regarding the conflicts among different Islamic denominations, after the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran and after revolutionary thoughts were spread to other parts of the Muslim world, one of the machinations that the arrogant powers used to deal with this widespread Islamic wave was to present the Islamic Revolution of Iran as a Shia movement – and not an Islamic movement. Furthermore, they tied to foment discord between Shia and Sunni. Faced with this evil machination, the Islamic Republic has constantly emphasized the role of unity among Muslim denominations and has tried to neutralize this sedition.
The American Greater Middle East plan was designed to harmonize all interests in the region and offer them to the insatiable hunger of power-thirsty American arrogance. They are not satisfied with their current influence and domination. They want absolute domination. They are seeking to gain absolute authority over the world, especially this region, which is full of human and natural wealth and is a very strategic area.
Global arrogance and colonialist governments created and preserved the occupying Zionist regime as a lever to pressure Arab governments as well as the Islamic governments in the region. They want to permanently keep this poisoned dagger next to the world of Islam. And today the Great Satan is holding the leash of this poodle. Therefore, it is not surprising that repeated violation of international laws, constant and blatant violation of human rights, frequent assaults on the neighboring countries, blatant terrorist operations, blatant abductions, increasing accumulation of atomic weapons, and other such actions are acceptable from the Zionists, while each of these actions are considered a great event when it comes to the countries that do not have a lord-serf relationship with America and other powerful countries. The Zionists’ actions do not provoke any serious objections from the global network of arrogance, especially the Great Satan.
Global arrogance has its own thinkers and experts on Islam who keep investigating. They accumulate the relevant information on different nations, thoughts, characteristics, and denominations in separate files, and they do original research on those archived files in research centers, cultural centers, and espionage and political organizations. The fact that seminars like “Understanding Islam and Shia Islam in Iran” are held in Israel testifies to this reality and the orientation of such seminars. In many parts of the world, seminars and workshops are being held and numerous theses are being proposed, calling for a revised view of Islam.
Arrogance has wisely put its heart and soul into managing its affairs in a competent manner. It is moving ahead in a perfectly thoughtful fashion, managing global movements in order to guarantee its existence. That is because arrogant powers know that if they do not have foresight, do not engage in prediction, and fail to collect data, they will receive a blow. The best and the most prominent intellectual systems are at the service of arrogant powers.
In societies where they found it impossible to annihilate the clergy, they used to link the clergymen to centers of power, corrupt courts, and oppressive governments. The clergy who were linked to the court – and who were despised by our magnanimous Imam in his statements – betrayed Islam and Muslims. A religious scholar who justifies the oppression of a corrupt organization is more dangerous than the organization itself. A religious scholar who acts in line with the goals of arrogant powers is considered to be their most evil agent because he promotes injustice under the guise of justice.
Currently an intellectual, cultural, and political battle is raging on. Those who can gain a profound knowledge of this battle and understand the related news will instantly realize that the enemy is using cultural methods as its main tool of pressure. Mercenary writers and cultural figures who have lost their faith, soul, and conscience and who are involved in the corruption spread by arrogant powers – living mostly outside the country and, in some cases, inside the country – are not few and far between. These individuals may write articles, compose poetry, and work in order to promote the goals set by arrogant powers. And they are already doing these things.
There is a contradiction in the world today. From the viewpoint of Muslim nations as well as the nations in the region – Asian, African, Latin American, and Middle Eastern nations – the Iranian nation is considered to be a courageous nation that defends justice and stands up to bullying. That is how they think about the Iranian nation. They admire and praise the Iranian nation. However, the Iranian nation and the Islamic Republic, which are so highly praised by nations, are accused by bullying powers of violating human rights, undermining global security, and advocating terrorism. This is a contradiction, a contradiction between the view of nations and wishes of the superpowers. This contradiction is a threat to the global system of domination. They are drifting away from the people day by day. This has created a gaping hole in the structure of western liberal democracy, and this hole will grow larger and larger on a daily basis. Western propaganda cannot cover up the truth indefinitely. It cannot hide the truth for ever.
Nations are becoming more and more vigilant on a daily basis. When the Iranian president travels to Asian, African, and South American countries, the people shout slogans in his support. They hold demonstrations for him and express their support. But when the American president travels to South American countries – that is, America’s backyard – the people set the American flag on fire to welcome him. This means that the foundations of liberal democracy are shaking. The west, especially America, currently claims to be the standard bearer of liberal democracy. The contradiction between western governments’ wishes and the tendencies and what people see are growing more serious day by day. They are claiming to support democracy, human rights, global security, and fighting terrorism, but their evil nature is indicative of warmongering, violation of peoples’ rights, and their insatiable greed for energy sources of the world. The people can see this. Day by day liberal democracy and America – as the pioneer of liberal democracy – are losing their reputation before the nations of the world. In contrast, Iran is gaining more respect.
Once the leaders of global arrogance thought Islam was almost extinct. After they had caused a flood of lust in the world, they thought Islamic teachings, Islamic characteristics, Islamic piety, and Islamic enthusiasm were almost extinct among Muslims. But later on, they realized they had made a mistake. They were awakened firstly, by the flag of Islam that was raised in Iran among the honorable and glorious Iranian people and secondly, by the Islamic awakening that had spread all over the world.
Islam is a glorious and impressive reality. Therefore, they oppose it. Today, the world of Islam and Islamic nations have understood this reality. Therefore, according to their own information, the US, the Zionist regime, the arrogant powers, and their heads are despised in Muslim countries.
The necessity of fighting arrogance
The necessity of fighting arrogance
Fighting arrogance – whose manifestation is the US government – is part of this Revolution and one of the duties and most important and fundamental demands of this nation. If our nation stops fighting arrogance, it means that it is ready to yield to the interference of foreign powers, to accept humiliation, and to go back to the dangerous situation it faced prior to the Islamic Revolution.
Reasons for fighting arrogance
Why do the Iranian people fight arrogance and why is arrogance considered evil? In order to answer this question, you have to understand that the primary feeling of a nation towards arrogance is not a religious feeling. Rather, it is a feeling of national passion. It is a feeling of identity and existence. This is because when the arrogant powers enter a country and manage to dominate that country, they will start to deny the national identity of the people of that country. Then, they will start to rob that country of its resources and will interfere in the political affairs of that country. However, these are all only minor aspects of denying a nation’s identity.
When the arrogant powers enter a country, they do not say that they intend to deny the national identity of the people of that country. The arrogant powers enter other countries under different pretexts. When they succeed in entering a country, they target the people’s national identity. This means that they will take control of its culture, beliefs, faith, determination, economy, and all other things. Then, they will try to gain full control over that nation. This is what happened in Iran before the Islamic Revolution. This is the feeling which inspires nations to fight arrogance. Therefore, today – there was a time when no nation dared stand up to the US, a path opened up by the Iranian nation – even secular or non-Muslim nations stand up to the US and oppose it as much as they can.
The opposition of the Iranian nation to the arrogant powers is rooted in religious reasons as well. “Arrogance” and “oppression” – which results from arrogance – can be found in the Holy Quran. When the Iranian nation stood up to the US and the Pahlavi government that was dependant on it, it was being backed by its faith and religious beliefs. Those were the factors which led to the victory of the Iranian nation.
Today, the followers of the Prophet’s Household (a.s.) are the standard-bearers of the fight against the enemies of Islam. This great and brave nation that is not afraid of anyone but God is the standard-bearer of the fight against global arrogance. This is what the Iranian nation is like. Today, the mercenaries of global arrogance and the superpowers – who are like scary monsters for nations, governments, intellectuals, and cultural figures – are totally worthless and unimportant for the Iranian nation.
The biggest fight against arrogance
The biggest fight against global arrogance and the arrogant Satans is not to give in to their will. Today, the Iranian nation is engaged in this great battle. This is a path which Imam Khomeini (r.a.) opened up for us. And the Iranian nation trod this path and gained honor as a result. Today, the Iranian nation is continuing to tread this path.
What does "down with arrogance" mean?
When the Iranian nation shouts the slogan "down with arrogance", no one should think that the Iranian nation intends to overthrow the government of any non-Muslim country or any country which it does not consider as a true Muslim country. This does not mean that the Iranian nation intends to engage in a war against those countries. This is by no means true. What is important for Islam and an Islamic government is fighting oppression and those who oppress others. "Allah forbids you only respecting those who fight you for religion, and drive you forth from your homes and help (others) in your expulsion, that you make friends of them." [The Holy Quran, 60:9] This is the important issue. Those who stand up to the truth and justice and support oppression and injustice will support the cause of injustice whenever they find one and will oppose whatever has something to do with justice.
The necessity of continuing to shout anti-arrogance slogans
The Iranian nation should continue shouting anti-arrogance slogans and raise those slogans as a flag. What is the reason for doing this? The reason is that if this flag is not raised and if these slogans are no longer shouted, the nation will lose its path. This is because the enmity of the arrogant powers has been proven to us, and this is not hidden for those who are aware. Even the enemies who are openly hostile to us have their own ways to deceive our people although their enmity is not hidden to anyone.
The reason why some nations were deceived by their enemies and some governments made mistakes in dealing with their enemies is that they failed to identify their enemies' methods. If the nation fails to identify the enemies' methods and does not fight its enemies who want to wipe out this revolutionary nation, it will tread the path its enemies approve of – that is, the path of annihilation, destruction, and corruption.
Ways of fighting arrogance
The remedy for all the pains and failures of Muslim nations is living under an Islamic government and following Islamic principles. This is what will bring about grandeur, power, security, and comfort for Muslims and will transform the bitter and humiliating destiny which the arrogant powers have determined for Muslims.
The arrogant powers and their media networks are determined to turn hope and optimism – which is currently prevalent among Muslims – into pessimism and frustration. And in order to achieve this goal, there is no better way than to portray the Islamic Revolution – which is the standard-bearer of Islam – as an incompetent and inefficient system, and try to make the people believe that the Islamic Republic has been made to deviate from the path of pure Islam and the path of Imam Khomeini (r.a.) due to its problems.
The issue of culture and education is the primary issue in the Islamic Republic. In the long run, there is nothing more important than education. In the Iranian society, the role of teachers and instructors is of paramount importance. In fact, the stronghold of culture and education is a stronghold for fighting oppression, atheism, global arrogance, and the bullying of the world's political Satans. The young students who are being educated in the country's educational system are the dearest and the most valuable resources for the future of this nation.
Those who want to stand up to global arrogance and kick the enemies of the Islamic Republic in the face and intend to make God's servants happy and frustrate His enemies should make efforts to increase the mutual trust and affection between the people and the government officials. Those who act otherwise are furthering the cause of global arrogance.
In which part of the world can you find Muslims who have not undergone difficulties or suffered pressure due to malevolence of global arrogance? What cure is there except resistance on the part of Muslims? What remedy can be found for this problem except Muslim unity and awareness and using the great capacities of Islam in all parts of the world?
Governments supporting their nations
The heads of Islamic countries have access to a great source of power, and that is the power of Muslim nations. Backed by this undefeatable power, Islamic governments can stand up to the US – which is currently leading the anti-Islamic arrogant camp – and defend the rights of their own nations as well as other Muslim nations. Under Islam, nations can enjoy complete freedom and independence, and this is the best way for leading the life of a nation. The Islamic beliefs of the people of Muslim countries are the best means for achieving this goal.
Muslim governments should consider these divine principles as the cure for the problems of their nations and a source of unity for Muslim nations – which form the Islamic Ummah. Instead of being scared of Islam – the US and other ringleaders of global arrogance are making serious efforts to make the heads of Islamic countries scared of Islam – Muslim governments should try to bring themselves glory and power by adhering to these divine principles.. This is the best means for attracting the support of a nation. Governments who are backed by their nations are not scared of any threats.
Reasons behind the enmity of global arrogance
Reasons behind the enmity of global arrogance towards Islam
What is the reason behind the opposition of global arrogance to Islam? Today, global arrogance is faced with Islam. This is what they themselves have clearly expressed. The US President used the term "crusade" when talking about this issue. The propaganda machines of the arrogant powers constantly launch propaganda against Islam all over the world in an insidious manner. They make movies and computer games, launch propaganda, and publish papers which are all aimed at opposing Islam.
Why are they opposed to Islam? This is a very important question. They say that they are opposed to Islam because Islam incites war and hatred. They try to influence global public opinion by spreading such blatant lies and slander. Today, it is global arrogance which is inciting hatred in the world. It is the Americans who are causing wars in the world. They are the ones who violate the rights of nations and countries and wage wars against them. They take their soldiers from thousands of miles away to other countries, invade those countries, and encroach on their people’s rights. If you take a look at the history of the world during the past hundred years, you will see that western countries have started most of the wars during that period. European countries started two world wars. The capitalist regimes currently ruling in the US made numerous wars in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. They are the ones who incite hatred among nations. Such accusations cannot be leveled against Islam. This is not the reason behind their opposition to Islam. The reason is that Islam calls upon Muslims to be independent, and asks them to maintain their dignity. Islam calls on Muslim to be aware of their rights and to defend those rights in the face of those who violate their rights. Global arrogance is opposed to such independence, awareness, and protection of rights. This is the reason behind the enmity of global arrogance towards Islam.
Reasons behind the enmity of global arrogance towards the Iranian nation
The Islamic Iran led by Imam Khomeini (r.a.) and the Islamic Revolution are the core of the great global movement of Muslims. This is why the enemies are so hostile towards the Islamic Republic. This is a source of hope for the Iranian people. This is a fact which pleases the Iranian nation instead of disappointing it. Such hostility does not scare the Iranian nation. This is because their enmity is indicative of the fact that the Iranian nation is a strong nation which is considered a big threat to the interests of global arrogance and the plunderers. The enmity of global arrogance makes the Iranian nation more certain that the path it has chosen to pursue the goals of the Revolution and to build the country and society is the right path and a successful one. If the Iranian nation had taken the wrong path in opposing the enemies’ interests and defending the interests of the Revolution and the country, the enemies would not be so hostile towards this nation.
Reasons behind the enmity of global arrogance towards the Islamic Revolution
Why do the arrogant powers adopt a hostile stance wherever there is a trace of Imam Khomeini’s call and there are people who are interested in this call and who pursue the goals set by Imam Khomeini?
The first reason is the integration of religion and politics in people’s lives. The Islamic Republic proved that religion plays a role in people’s lives and that Islam does not just invite people to engage in worshipping in the corner of a mosque. According to Islamic principles, social, political, and economic matters also play a role in people’s lives.
The second reason is that the Islamic Revolution does not yield to the will of the superpowers. From the viewpoint of the US and the arrogant powers, one of the biggest crimes committed by the Islamic Republic is that it is not influenced by the US and other superpowers in global issues – the issue of Palestine being a prime example. They exerted a great deal of pressure on Arab and Islamic countries to make them ignore the issue of Palestine. And unfortunately many governments gave in to the pressure and accepted what they said. But the Islamic Republic has always stated its stance clearly in this regard. And this is a stance which all the fair people in the world would agree with. The Islamic Republic believes that Palestine belongs to Palestinians.
Another reason for the enmity of the arrogant powers towards the Islamic Republic is that the Islamic Republic believes that the usurping Zionist regime should leave Palestine. Jewish people can stay in Palestine, but Palestine should be governed by Palestinians and like other countries, they can let anyone they like stay in their country.
One more reason for such enmity is the moral and political support which Iran provides for those who make efforts to support Islam and Islamic rule. Whoever makes an attempt to protect the dignity of Islam in any part of the world will be morally and politically supported by the Islamic Republic. Defending Muslim nations is a matter which has annoyed the enemies.
Another issue which has annoyed the arrogant powers is that the Islamic Republic is opposed to imposing western cultures on Muslim nations. The western culture is a culture which has weaknesses alongside its strengths. The Islamic Republic believes in cultural exchange. A nation such as the Iranian nation – or any other Muslim nation – should look into the culture of other countries and learn from those cultures what is useful for them. They should also reject those aspects of the cultures which are not useful for them. Global arrogance bears a grudge against Islam and the Islamic Revolution at the bottom of its heart. And they will not be satisfied unless a nation gives up its principles and religious beliefs and yields to their will. Allah the Exalted has told Muslims: “And the Jews will not be pleased with you, nor the Christians, unless you follow their religion.” [The Holy Quran, 2:120] Therefore, the enmity of global arrogance is due to the adherence of the Iranian people to Islamic principles and their beliefs as well as their independence from the east and the west. The enmity of global arrogance will never end. However, despite the deep-rooted enmity of global arrogance towards the Iranian nation, this nation relies on Allah and will hopefully be able to achieve its divine goals in economic, political, and cultural arenas and will manage to make the enemies retreat from their positions.
Reasons behind the enmity of global arrogance towards the Islamic Republic
After the establishment of the Islamic Republic – which was rooted in people's faith – the world started to pose a great challenge to the Islamic Republic. What is the reason? This was because the Islamic Republic was naturally going to stand up to the dangerous octopus of global arrogance. This does not mean that the Islamic Republic was going to engage in a war against the US, England, or other countries. When an Islamic country at a critical geographical location with a deep-rooted culture enters the scene and proposes a new idea, makes all its efforts to promote this idea, and achieves success in this regard, the interests of global arrogance would definitely be endangered in that region. Therefore, the arrogant powers of the time started to oppose the Islamic Revolution. What was strange was that these powers disagreed with one another in ninety percent of matters. But they all agreed that this new tree has to be uprooted and that the flame of the Islamic Revolution has to be put out.
The ultimate goal of global arrogance
Today, the main goal of the US and global arrogance is to make the Iranian nation, the Islamic Republic, and the Islamic Revolution retreat from its positions. They want the Islamic Republic to retreat from the path of Imam Khomeini (r.a.). They have put all their efforts into achieving this goal. What is the reason? The reason is that they have realized that the message of Imam Khomeini (r.a.) has awakened Muslim nations. Look at the different nations of the world and Muslim nations in particular. Then you will see how they have been influenced by the message of our magnanimous Imam (r.a.). The arrogant powers have realized that the only way to silence other nations and make them deviate from the right path is to let them see that the Islamic Republic has retreated from its path. This way all other nations will also be disappointed and will retreat from their path. This is what the arrogant powers have realized and they are making all efforts to achieve this goal. Global arrogance is planning to wipe out the Islamic Republic with all possible means. This is not an exaggeration. This is the ultimate goal of global arrogance. Of course they have their own clever policies and think that they are going to achieve this goal in a step-by-step manner.
The first step to achieve this goal is to make the Islamic Republic give up its goals. The second step is to deprive the Islamic Republic of its sincere, enthusiastic, and passionate forces. The third step is to create a gap between the officials and the different groups of people. If the officials of the Islamic Republic are not vigilant, global arrogance will manage to take these steps in a short time and will succeed in achieving its goals. But if the officials are vigilant, global arrogance will not even be able to take the first step after a hundred years.