Rasa - Hujjat al-Islam Sayyed Mahmood Madani, in an online course of ethics, pointing to the topic of the session, said, “The principal topic that should be followed is the freedom of the man. The man is not a programmed machine with a prearranged path before him in the present world. There will be no ethics in the absence of the man’s freedom.”
Hujjat al-Islam Madani, pointing to the month of Ramadan, said, “God has let the man determine his own fate and destiny through his freedom and hands. In the month of Ramadan we should attempt to correct our own souls, for example through reciting Quran.”
The president of Jamia az-Zahra reiterated, “A chief principle of the ethics is the belief in the competence of the man. If the man reaches the belief that he is free, he will grow and develop. According to Imam Alai (AS), the best deeds that are recommended to be performed in the month of Ramadan is abstention from performing the illicit and wrong. It is what gives us a good spiritual state even when we are inundated with problems and difficulties.”
Rasa News Agency