RNA - Ayatollah Safi, through a message on the 1400th anniversary of the martyrdom of Imam Alai (AS) stressed that the Shiites are supposed to relate the heavenly attributes and virtues of Imam Ali (AS).
His message reads as:
In the name of God, the Merciful the Compassionate
The Ramadan month of the 1400th Lunar year reminds us of sad event. 14 centuries ago, Imam Ali (AS) was martyred.
In his absence many things went wrong, many oppressions, tortures, exiles, murders and etc. happened.
In order to perform a small part of our duty towards that kind Imam, I ask all the liberals and Muslims, especially the Shiites, to relate some heavenly attributes and virtues of Imam Ali in their gatherings and sessions of the month of Ramadan.
I ask them to widely participate in the mourning sessions held for Imam Ali (AS) and ask God to establish the single Just government across the world and annihilate the cruelty and oppression totally through the earlier Reappearance of Imam Mahdi (AS).
Rasa News Agency