RNA – In an interview with Rasa News Agency, Ayatollah Sayyed Hashem Hoseyni-Bushehri, referred to the high turnout in Friday’s Parliamentary and Assembly of Experts elections, saying that since the beginning of the Islamic Revolution until now, the Iranian people have always been present on various national and religious scenes in order to strengthen the Islamic system of governance in the country.
The representative of the people of Bushehr in the Assembly of Experts said that the people’s participation in rallies and their participation in the elections were aimed at strengthening the Islamic system because this system is based on the vote and will of the people. “Elections in the Islamic Republic are a legal opportunity that the believing and Muslim people of Iran have and can use,” he said.
His Eminence noted the false rumours made by vicious enemies of Iran’s Islamic system who aim at distancing the people from the system and that the enemies want to inspire our nation, is nothing but a fantasy.
Ayatollah Hoseyni-Bushehri pointed out that that the Iranian people have proved that they are loyal to the Islamic system, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution and the ideals of the Islamic Revolution and use their capacities, meaning their right to vote, to advance the goals of the system.
He said that regardless of the election results and the political parties, today the people and the Islamic system are the true winners. “Now that the will of the people has spoken, we must use the capabilities before us in the best possible manner,” he said.
The member of the Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom said that after the elections, the people must monitor the positions and activities of their representative, saying: “If a rejected candidates gives their hands to foreigners or lays the ground for foreign influence, once again, he should be put in their place, otherwise the people will make another decision in the next elections.”
Ayatollah Hoseyni-Bushehri said that it is necessary for revolutionary forces to unite and those and regardless of their personal interests, to seek to achieve the goals of the Islamic system for the benefit of society. If they are not united, the enemies can reach their goals.