RNA – In an interview with Taqrib News Agency (TNA), on the sideline of the 22 Bahman (11 February) rallies for Hujjat al-Islam Sa’id Davoudi, the head of Bureau of Islamic Promotion in Eastern Tehran, on the sidelines of February 11th rallies which marked the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution in Iran said the Revolution was formed amid a period of weak religious beliefs and ethnic limitations when the late Imam Khomeini (RA) appeared to give value the beliefs of the people.
He added, “Great revolutions have been formed in the world but none have been fruitful.” And added, “We have made it to create a unity when the beliefs of the people were formed and popular talents in religious and history fields greatly grew up.
The head of the Bureau of Islamic Promotion in Southeastern Tehran noted, “One of the most important achievements of the post revolution era is proximity among different denominations.”
He hailed the efforts of the Islamic Republic of Iran in training Muslim activists and deploying them to universities and seminaries in different countries throughout the world.
The Iranian Shi’a cleric warned against hostile efforts by the country’s enemies who seek to fuel disagreements among Muslims and highlighted the struggles of Islamic unity activists in confronting enemies through uprooting disagreements among different Islamic communities.