RNA – Grand Ayatollah Naser Makarem-Shirazi issued a statement following the tragic crackdown on Shi’a Muslims in the Republic of Azerbaijan. He urged officials of this ex-Soviet republic to respect the peoples’ sentiments and religious beliefs.
His statement is as follows:
In the Name of God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
In recent days, we have received news concerning a clash between a group of people and security forces in our neighbouring Muslim country – the Republic of Azerbaijan. A number of Shi’as have been killed and a number were arrested and some were injured.
During meetings and in my messages to Azerbaijani government and religious authorities, I have always emphasized the stability, security and welfare of Islamic countries, especially our neighbours. This is our desire and for our part, we spare no effort in this direction.
Therefore, based on our religious duty, sometimes we must remind the authorities of the Muslim country of Azerbaijan to give greater respect to the religious sentiments and religious rights of their people because the religious restrictions imposed on them (such as the hijab, prayers, mourning during Muharram etc.) can lead to a popular uprising and can possibly create conflict and instability in the country.
On the other hand, we urge the religious and patriotic people of Azerbaijan to seek their reasonable and religious demands through whatever legal and civil means possible and we do not want them to used as an excuse for the enemies.
Today, the countries of the region are increasingly threatened by Takfiri and International Zionists and we must combat with these threats with all our abilities. Did not you hear that the American [Republican] presidential candidate [Donald Trump] has recently made dangerous statements against Muslims in which he stated that all Muslims – without exception – are considered a danger to the United States? Besides this, he has shouted other medieval slogans.
Is not it time to wake up and recognize the real threats, be united and use our abilities against these threats? Again, I wish the dear people of the Republic of Azerbaijan both spiritual and worldly grace and prosperity.
May the peace, blessings and mercy of God be upon you.
Naser Makarem-Shirazi
December 13, 2015
Azerbaijan began a fresh wave of attacks on its majority Shi’a population on November 26 when security forces killed four members of the Movement for Muslim Unity (MMU) during a raid in the village of Nardaran. At least 14 people were nabbed in the raid, including the MMU leader Tale’ Baqirzade, who is also known as Shaykh Baqirov.
In a later attack in Nardaran on December 3, policemen shot and killed five Shi’as and arrested 32 others.