RNA – During his Friday prayer sermon to a large and fervent crowd of believers and mourners in Qom, Ayatollah Arafi referred to the second letter written by Iran’s leader to the youth of Europe and North America and pointed out the duty of the Islamic seminaries, universities and the media to explain this very important letter as it contains a new civilizational discourse which arises from the values of the Islamic Revolution in opposition to political and social discourse of the West.
“In these conditions, it is our collective duty to strive and explain the messages contained in the Leader’s letter to the people of the West,” he said.
Ayatollah Arafi said Western youths must escape from the control of the imperialist media and understand the truth of what is happening in the world today and realize the serious treachery and errors made by their country’s leaders. Such action requires a comprehensive move by the elites of the Islamic world and activists from the seminaries and universities.
He also referred to last weeks’ Arba’een pilgrimage, saying this “historic” trek teaches us of the great power of Islamic unity and emphasizes to the Takfiri terrorist group ISIS, the Zionist regime and the imperial powers that our power has reached the point where the United States and its allies don’t have the power to defeat us any longer.
No nuclear deal without closure of PMD
His Eminence referred to the Director General of IAEA, Yukiya Amano’s report on the issue of PMD of Iran’s nuclear program, saying that this report has several grey and ambiguous points. The basic problem is that the closure of the case on the basis of the assertions of the Supreme Leader is a serious problem, and without realizing it, there is nothing else that we can do.
The Friday prayer leader of Qom said one of the black points of the past few days was the resolution passed by the US Senate last Tuesday, which states that each state has the individual ability to maintain sanctions against Iran.
He said that this resolution shows that Iran must be vigilant and pursue its resistance economy with more seriousness, adding: “We are accustomed to hardships and difficulties and have preserved our scientific acceleration during these difficulties.”
“our presence alongside the ‘Resistance Axis’ in different countries is evident and the enemies must know that they cannot do anything.”
Wahhabis involve in crackdown on Azeri mourners
Ayatollah Arafi also condemned the ongoing crackdown on Shi’a Muslims in the Republic of Azerbaijan, saying the Zionists, Wahhabis and imperial powers are certainly involved in the insulting and offensive actions against mourners in the former Soviet country.
“We are hopeful that the Azerbaijani government understands the situation and know that the Iranian nation and all Shi’as are sensitive in regard to their mourning rituals for Imam Husayn and will never remain silent in regard to such aggression,” he said.