Rasa News Agency Reports – In a meeting with the minster of sports and youth, Ayatollah Hussein Nouri Hamadani, mentioned Islam’s order to take special care of the youth and said: “Young people were more behind the Holy Prophet (PBUH). They had a pure soul and were ready to accept the truth, more than others”.
Mentioning that the Holy Prophet had a special attention to the youth and had used to assign important responsibilities to them, he added: “To manage the youth affairs, we need a united office and a detailed plan”.
In pointing to the necessity of exercise for the health of the society, he said: “There are so many emphases about exercising and the health of the body in the Holy Islam”.
Ayatollah Nouri Hamedani then continued: “Sport, nowadays, has a great extent and its effect on the political and social affairs is totally obvious”.
He said that he had never give up exercising, even for one single day, since he was young and stated: “Now that I’m in my old ages, thanks to exercise, I don’t see any sicknesses in me, and I’m ready to compete with the athletes in mountain climbing races !”.
Emphasizing that exercise have been considered in narratives as a prerequisite of supplication, he said that exercise is required for a society.
Considering sport as a proper mean to promote the Islamic culture in the international community, Ayatollah Nouri Hamedani stated: “The athletes that are entering the global arena with the name of the prophet’s progeny, help this fact a lot”.