RNA – Ayatollah Sa’idi strongly condemned the recent massacre of children at a school in Peshawar, Pakistan by Taliban militants as an act of “lunacy.”
He also added: “Unfortunately, Wahhabi thought has deceived some people and they have been led to commit such crimes. Some of the enemies also abuse Wahhabism [to fulfill their goals]. We must destroy Wahhabism and continue the work that the Shi’ite sources of emulation have begun in the holy city of Qom.”
Ayatollah Sayyed Mohammad Sa’idi made the remarks during his weekly Friday prayers’ sermon.
Regarding the upcoming “Unity of the Seminary and University Week,” the trustee of the Holy Shrine of Lady Fatimah al-Ma’sumah stated that the goal of unity between the seminary and university is not to merge them, but to bring them together in interaction to build an Islamic civilization by establishing academic conferences to solve misunderstandings between the two systems.
Ayatollah Sa’idi added that the humanities should incorporate religious studies. The cooperation between the seminaries and the universities would be more effective if they incorporated cultural, social and political issues. The relationship between seminary and university professors to solve the differences between the two systems is very valuable. “Their [current] relationship has been good, but insufficient.” he stated.
His Eminence offered his congratulations to Christians on the upcoming Christmas holy day on which they celebrate the blessed birthday of the Prophet Jesus Christ. He called upon Christians to act in the way that Jesus would have.
He also offered his condolences to the believers on the death anniversary of the Prophet Muhammad and the martyrdom anniversaries of Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba and Imam Ali ar-Ridha, saying: “The death anniversary of the Prophet of God is a great tragedy and the greatness of this tragedy is due to his great status and his lofty personality.”
Ayatollah Sa’idi stated the Prophet Muhammad was sent as the “Seal of the Prophets” and a prophet for the entire world. He was a role model for everyone. The Quran which was sent from God to him is the best book and Islam is the best religion. The Prophet Muhammad stated that everyone will be rewarded for their good actions in the hereafter. He reminded the believers gathered that the Prophet Muhammad stated: “I do not ask for any reward except love of my family” and said that the pillar of the Prophet’s divine mission was to introduce the Holy Quran and the Ahlul-Bayt.
“The Prophet Muhammad was very concerned lest after his passing, the Muslim community should go astray and break into sects. He had a plan to prevent sedition from occurring but the seditionists were able to continue their seditious actions and violated the Prophet Muhammad’s commandments,” Ayatollah Sa’idi stated.
His Eminence concluded by explaining that on his deathbed, the Prophet planned to prevent any future sedition from occurring in the Islamic community by writing in his last will that Imam Ali was his divinely-appointed successor but certain individuals were against him writing a last will, saying that the Quran was sufficient for them.