RNA – In a meeting with senior judiciary officials, Ayatollah Sadeq Amoli-Larijani, the Chief Justice of Iran, referred the Quranic verse: “[Oh Prophet Muhammad] We did not send you but as a mercy to all the nations” [21:107] and in reference to the tragedy of Karbala, stated that despite 1,400 years passing since the tragedy, it remains vibrant and appealing to people’s hearts.
Referring to a famous tradition, Ayatollah Amoli-Larijani that the heat in the hearts of the believers has still not subsided and the “free men” still long to be in the presence of the Imams due to their love for them.
His Eminence stated that the importance Shi’ite Muslims give to holding mourning ceremonies for the Ahlul-Bayt as an indication of a “great social phenomenon” and that it stems from the high spiritual status and influence of the Pure Imams.
Ayatollah Amoli-Larijani emphasized that no political, social or physical analysis can explain the [spiritual] effect and the everlasting appeal of the tragedy of Ashura which we witnessed with the millions of pilgrims who were present in Karbala on the day of Arba’in.
He described the Arba’in pilgrimage as a unique and rare phenomenon in the world, especially since more than 20 million people gathered in Karbala only due to their love of Imam Husayn and not due to the force of any government.