RNA – Speaking of the recently held “International Congress on Extremist and Takfiri Movements in the View of Islamic Scholars’,” His Eminence stated that the participants of this conference found a hospital and respectful environment which invalidated the negative propaganda against the Islamic system of governance in Iran and against Shi’ism.
Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi this conference was the first time that such a conference regarding the dangers of Takfirism had been held. It was also held without any prior experience. “Fortunately, this conference was very dignified and exceeded ours’ and our guests expectations. The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution [Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei] also stated in a message that this conference was very important,” he stated.
The renowned source of emulation noted that last week, Egypt’s al-Azhar University held a similar-themed “International Conference on Fighting Extremism” in the Egyptian capital of Cairo. Delegates from several countries, including Iran, Saudi Arabia and Morocco, participated in the conference where the barbaric crimes of the ISIL terrorist group in Iraq and Syria were condemned. The head of al-Azhar, Shaykh Ahmad al-Tayyeb, stated that similar conferences should be held in other Islamic countries.
Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi stated that the Iran-hosted conference was an initiative sponsored by Shi’ites and their sources of emulation and the Islamic Republic of Iran. He stated that the conference will have very important effects on weakening the morale of those fighting against ISIL in Iraq and Syria. “ISIL’s fighters became disheartened when they saw a group scholars had gathered and condemned their activities,” he stated.
The revered source of emulation stated that another one of the affects of this conference was the promotion of greater unity among Muslims. “One of the principles we stated at this conference was the non-interference with what other religions hold sacred, and fortunately this principle was respected and adhered to until the end of the conference.
He also emphasized that the conference’s actions against the negative propaganda being spread against Shi’ite Muslims and Iran was very good. “By the establishment of this conference, we have proven that we have strengthened [Muslim] unity and we also support such unity in our country. The conference also nullified the West’s propaganda and attempts to blacken Iran’s reputation and image.”
Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi added that one of the blessings of this conference was that it revealed the true face of Takfirism and extremism to the world. It also showed that the crimes against humanity being committed by these terrorists are not associated with Islam. He emphasized that Islam as a religion of compassion, kindness and mercy.