Rasa News Agency reports from Qom – Ayatollah Naser Makarem-Shirazi in a meeting with the speaker of the Iranian parliament, Dr. Ali Larijani, said: “Regarding to the third-generation (3G) technology issue there was a group representing High Council of Cyberspace (HCC) came to me and explained the issue therefore I warned as to some problems we may come across. Unfortunately however, some people with ill intention altered my statement. We do not oppose technology rather indeed we consider it obligatory to use technology.”
His Eminence emphasized on the fact that he accepts technology, and mentioned: “We are not against technology however western technologies are like muddy unhygienic water. Water is the source of life yet when it is dirty it must be refined.”
Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi added: “We say this unclean unhygienic water being 3G must be refined so when clean you can make it available for all without any objection. A lunatic may only oppose development and technology. Therefore those interpretations on my statement were incorrect.”
He reiterated that we are bound to Islamic ethics: “We have some red lines, every new technology must be refined. This dirty water must be refined. What I say is that they should not rush it, they should cooperate with the High Council of Cyberspace, otherwise it is going to cause numerous problems. We believe cultural issues turns in to political and economical issues and also political and economical issues changes in to cultural problems they have mutual impact on one another.”
“We have an Islamic system we believe if morality is corrupted there will be many consequences; Why do we have such a high divorce rate? Why has the tendency towards marriage decreased? Why has the husband become suspicious of his wife and the wife of her husband? One main cause is such unleashed technologies. Such corruptions destroy families. We have concerns about this and that is why we warn about such problems and of course sometimes we pay the cost as well,” His Eminence stated.