Rasa News Agency reports – Lebanon’s Coalition of Muslim Scholars has issued a statement condemning the Takfiri terrorist group “The Islamic State,” who have carried out many inhuman atrocities in the name of Islam. However, their actions are clearly against Islamic teachings of justice.
The Coalition condemned the Takfiri terrorists for placing the names of God and the dear Prophet Muhammad (S) and on their flag; their flag contains the shahadah (testimony of faith) “there is no god but God and Muhammad is His Messenger,” but their actions are an insult to the name of God and to the Prophet Muhammad (S). The statement stressed that the Islamic State has nothing to do with Islam and it is detrimental to Muslims and other religions and was created by Mossad, the intelligence agency of the Zionist regime with the aim to attack the axis of resistance and to create sedition by raising sectarian strife. The Islamic State has openly targeted Shi’ite Muslims and Christians, calling them “infidels.”
The statement also stressed that “our Christian brothers in Lebanon are an essential part of this nation and they have contributed to the building and development of its culture. We will not allow anyone to undermine them,” and added: “we will stand together in the face of the Takfiri danger.”
The Coalition of Muslim Scholars called on their “brothers in Palestine not to be dragged into internal strife and sedition which will lead to the waste of their complete victory over the Zionist regime, but to work to permanently unite and strengthen their resistance in the face of Zionist aggression.”