RNA - Ayatollah Jafar Subhani, a source of emulation, commended the closing of the Quranic competitions of Mahamatan, held specifically for cultural and arts centers of the mosques.
His message reads as below:
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Quran is a sun that never sets.
Prophets were appointed to direct and guide people. Each prophet, due the requirements of his time, has its own set of miracles. And Quran, due to its specific form, structure and language is the main miracle of the prophet of Islam.
The holy book of the prophet of Islam has some benefits and advantages, including:
- It includes knowledge and principles, from which Muslims extract all their intellectual knowledge.
- Quran is the book of instructions, and our Fiqh (Jurisprudence) is based on Quranic rules in all its individual and societal dimensions”.
- Quran is the judge over the causes of disputes among the people living prior to the advent of Islam.
- Quran is the book reporting a series of heavenly and worldly facts in 14 centuries ago, the facts being explored one by one by the man using the newly constructed and explored equipment and tools.
Quran, through the tongue of an illiterate man reports that all material creature are created as pairs, and these are only some few advantages and benefits of the holy Quran.
Finally I appreciate those who formed this spiritual setting and pray that God may provide the memorizers and reciters of Quran with the best.
Rasa News Agency