RNA - Hujjat al-Islam Parsania, in the conference of Shahid Mutahhari and the New Islamic Civiliztation” held in Dar ash-Shifa seminary conference hall, pointing to the ideology of Shahid Mutahhar, said, “There some close links between civilization, culture and society, and civilization is mature level of culture and society.”
The member of Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution said, “Each civilization is based on the concepts, and the civilization is analyzed on three levels, first, it should be examined that the civilizational meaning and concept are right or wrong”.
He added, “The second is analyzed when the meaning has entered the world of belief, some facts are absolute, some are conditional, some are presented within the field of human behavior, and some are not exemplified and should be believed generally; meaning is crystalized within the existence of the man and the man acts based on this meaning.”
The faculty member of Baqir al-Olum University added, “The third world exists in the behavior of the man and includes political, economic, cultural and social dimensions; the field of knowledge is its softest part, and its hardest one is power, and a society should have all the mentioned items, and the lack of each item damages the others.”
He finally pointed out, “Shahid Mutahhari and his ideology expands beyond place and time. Whatever Shahid Mutahari did shows that the Islamic civilization has neglected no item, and thus, the ideology of Shahid Motahari encompasses all the components of the Islamic civilization.”
Rasa News Agency