RNA – In an exclusive report for Rasa News Agency, Saif Ali Budgami, a Kashmiri revolutionary student, said that the Rahmat al-Alamin Foundation of Jammu and Kashmir organized a one-day seminar entitled “Islam and Humanity” at Shah Abbas Hotel in Srinagar on May 5th under the chairmanship of Shaykh Firdous Ahmad.
Many leading Muslim and non-Muslim scholars and social activists from Jammu and Kashmir spoke about the different aspects of humanity and Islam that include: the relationship between Islam and humanity, the necessity of humanitarian education, interfaith perspectives in the domain of humanism, Islamophobia, human rights violations throughout the world, human rights, the necessity of moral education, the rise in global terrorism and the necessity of unity among humanitarian religions.
The interfaith seminar was a great achievement for the Rahmat al-Alamin Foundation Foundation, where such interfaith seminars, conferences and workshops haven’t been witnessed for decades.
Speaking at the conference, Shaykh Ahmad stated, “A man must be a human first, humanity is come before every religion, community or sect. Currently, the people are busy in securing their self-constructed faith and humanity itself is suffering.”
The non-Muslim scholars and social activists in attendance also stressed the need of the education of mankind. Hindu activist Prana Shangloo said, “Humanity has no religion but is itself a unique religion. One who tries to harm it isn’t following a religion but a beast. None of the religions in the world supports terrorism but rather terrorism is only due to the person’s own inability to understand any religion.”
She further described her emotional life story in Kashmir and stressed the peaceful and brotherly relationship between all Kashmiris irrespective of any religion.
The seminar was concluded with a award ceremony in which many leading human rights activists, social activists and Islamic scholars who spread peace and love among the people were awarded by the Rahmat al-Alamin Foundation.
Rasa News Agency