RNA - The member of Assembly of Experts and Qom Seminary’s society of teachers, Ayatollah Sheikh Abbas Kaabi, met by a Syrian group of visitors, stated, “Iranian commend the historical and civilization-creating resistance put up by the Syrian people against the American-Zionist-Takfiri aggression.”
He added, “The civilization-creating plan developed by the Resistance in the region was the product of the Islamic Republic and it has born the sweet fruits of the Resistance Axis in Syria.”
The member of Qom Seminray’s society of teachers added, “The said Resistance strongly stood against the aggressors, and it is the confrontation of the Islamic civilization with the Western one.”
He added, “The culture of Resistance should be introduced to all, a culture whose slogan is “We Can”, the slogan that was raised originally by the Islamic Revolution and directed the revolution to the collapse of the former dependent Iranian regime.”
Finally, Ayatollah Kaabi stated, “Surrender to the arrogant powers is not the option of the Muslim people and Arab Ummah, and if the said option is chosen as Saudis did, it consigns the Islamic Ummah to servitude to the said arrogant powers.”
Rasa News Agency